Chapter 12

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        Impulse backed up, biting his lip. The watcher's panic wasn't good- Xisuma's commands have been changed- what was it now?

"Don't fight- don't fight- run! Run guys!" Grian shouted.

Impulse turned- running sounded better than whatever Elenore might have said...

Ren shook his head, stepping forward. "No, I'm not running. We have to get Xisuma back- I say we fight!" he said, turning toward the admin. He spread his wings open slightly and moved into a stance. "Let's fight!"

Impulse widened his eyes slightly, looking back. "Wait- Ren, no! That's not a good idea!" He shouted, panicking slightly.

Scar moved beside Ren, hovering just above the ground. "Finally- fighting sounds much better than pointlessly shouting..." he muttered.

Xisuma narrowed his eyes and smirked, sliding quickly into a fighting position, fists still burning with fire. "3... 2... 1."

Ren suddenly jerked forward, running at him. As soon as he reached him though, raising his arm ready to hit him, he stumbled forward and yelped slightly. Standing up straight he blinked and looked around. "Where are you- where did you go?!"

He yelped again, falling down as Xisuma tripped him, swiping the half dog's legs from behind.

Xisuma teleported once again just as Scar came flying at him.

Scar yelped out in pain, Xisuma grabbing the maroon wings from behind and yanking him back and on to the ground. Scar sat up quickly, letting out a pained whimper as he glanced behind him to his wings. Burn marks were easily seen, some feathers still burning from the lasting heat.

Up on his feet Ren stood, jumping at Xisuma.

The admin turned, watching just for a second before teleporting a foot away, watching the hybrid fall to the ground again. The man quickly stood, and suddenly Xisuma jumped at him, grabbing on to him with his flaming hands.

Ren shouted out in pain, quickly trying to pull away. Backwards onto the ground he fell when the admin let go. Glancing to his shaking arms he bit his lip hard. Fresh burn marks stinging with pain...

Scar glanced up, watching slightly. "..Xisuma-" he started, pushing himself back off the ground with his wings. They hurt- but he couldn't just stand... "This magic isn't fair- let's fight like real men! Fists only!" he shouted, moving again into a fighting position.

Xisuma glanced toward him and raised an eyebrow slightly. "..Magic was never fair, Scar... Want to see what else I can do?" he asked, raising a hand. He flicked his fingers, and smiled...

Scar's eyes widened, his face paling. He moved a hand to his chest, gasping suddenly in pain. Back on the ground he went once again, curling up as he winced. He whimpered in pain, gasping still. "Wh-what's happening?!"

Xisuma laughed slightly. "Oh... which one was it.. poisoning... or withering? Being an Admin comes with... so many useful things..." he chuckled.

Scar bit his lip hard, curling up tighter as he let out a wail.

"Stop- stop it!" Ren shouted. "It's hurting him!"

Xisuma turned toward him. "..Isn't that the point?" he asked. "The Queen commands death upon you all... And I can not disobey." he said.

Ren widened his eyes slightly. "Wha-what..? No- no- you can't kill us- we need you! We need you back to stop Elenore! To save her!"

The Flames Inside | A Watcher Grian Story; Book 2Where stories live. Discover now