Chapter 6

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A/N; Jeez folks, I'm sorry this took so long to get out! Stupid roper coasters of life... XD I finally got the majority, and the rest of it, done and written in the freakin middle of the night! Eh, oh well. It's finished and it's here- the wonderful Chapter 6! XD

Also, Mumbo living in this kingdom in his past is not canon, in case anyone started wondering. This kingdom, and Baisley, belong to me and my sister, just as Darwin belongs to my brother, and Elenore to me. Anywho, enough of this- on with the story!!!! Leave any questions you might have in the comments, and I'll be sure to answer the best I can!

ALSO!! Reading over his to my lil' sister, I realized there were some big typos in it so... I went through and edited it a little.... Should make a tiny bit more sense with some things now. XD Jeez... This is what I get for writing at 1 in the morning.... XD


Pearl paused, closing her mouth. Has Xisuma done something he shouldn't have..? She heard faint talking, and next thing she knew, there was a thump, followed by silence... Best to check on him she supposed... She opened her door and left her room, walking over to Xisuma's... She knocked, but got no response. Slowly she opened the door and peeked inside... "Xisuma?" she called. She furrowed her brow, opening the door all the way. "Xisuma?" she repeated. The man had just been in here- so she would have seen him in the hall if that was where he went. Yet, the room was empty, and she quickly began to worry. "Xisuma!" she called again, walking in to quickly search for him.

But she couldn't find him. Nor could she figure out where he could have gone... She left the room, searched the halls and many other places, and it wasn't until then did it dawn on her what could have possibly happened...

Instantly she returned to the hallway, checking all the rooms. Everybody else must have been together, talking maybe... She then went to Scar's room, bursting the door open. There she found them, startling everyone from the sudden action. "Guys- we have a problem!" she said.

Impulse and Cleo stood up. "What is it? What happened?" Impulse asked.

"Xisuma is missing- and I think the watchers took him!" Pearl responded.

Impulse furrowed his brow slightly. "...But... He's a watcher too though... I can't figure out if that's good or bad." he said.

Cleo elbowed him. "Of course it is, dummy. But, why would they take him?" she asked, turning to Pearl.

"I mean, he's a watcher. Why else would they want him?" Scar asked.

"Guys- we don't have time for a million questions. We have to get him back!" Pearl said.

"But.. why?" Scar asked. "There's no reason to get him back. He's a watcher anyway." he said, shrugging a little.

Pearl narrowed her eyes slightly. "If you must know Scar, they wouldn't want him at all! Not with him being one of the weakest of their kind! The only reason I could think of them taking him- is because he is also an Admin." she said, flinching. Well- the secret was out now, sorry Xisuma...

"...An Admin? Weren't those all wiped out?" Etho asked.

"Clearly not! Now do you see why we have to get him back, and fast??" Pearl asked. Impulse nodded and quickly went over to her.

"But, what are we going to do? How are we going to get him back? If he's an admin, they'll all be trying to stop us." Ren said.

"...We're going to have to ask for more help from the King." Pearl said, biting her lip.

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