Chapter 13

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        Never would they have thought that trying to defeat a monster far bigger than them would be so hard... Of course they did- they were very much worried about it! Thinking about it the whole time... With Pearl back on her feet, she stayed by Elenore's side to keep an eye on her- she was still unconscious... Both Pearl and all the others wished they could be up there helping against the monster, but none of them had powers like the Admin or Watcher... Fists would be useless against a creature of great size... All they could do now was watch.

Grian and Xisuma flew around the beast, sending balls of fire, maybe even blasts of magic at the monster. Fighting this thing was harder than they were hoping... The large creature was fast, sucking up parts of the ground around it and firing it all back at the two. The Admin's abilities came in handy with this- disappearing the land being thrown around. He even tried inflicting effects of poison and withering on the creature, but still it didn't do much. Not much they could do seemed to be of much help...

"This thing has got to have a weakness!" Xisuma shouted to the watcher.

"What on earth could it be- this thing seems invincible!" Grian replied.

"We'll just have to try some things! It's originally from the void- End maybe? It's all just void! There's no elements within the void, maybe we could try that!" Xisuma said.

"Good Thinking, humans... Give it a try all you want..." the beast spoke. Flicking its tail it propelled forward, lifting its front claws as it headed for Xisuma. Opening its mouth wide the beast tried to bite down on him, swallow him up. Just as its jaws shut though, the Admin teleported quickly above the monster's head. Quickly Zeqain teleported to his side.

"You're the one with stronger Admin powers- you do that! I'll try some of my own mind tricks..." he said, glancing back down to the monster that started circling around.

Xisuma nodded. "Just be careful- we can't risk him taking you over like Elenore!"

Grian nodded. "I'll be careful," he said. Flapping his wings he backed up, watching the monster intently.

Up Xisuma flew, beginning to follow the beast from above. Summoning water, he tried that, splashing the beast with it. The creature didn't quite seem to like the water, but it had done nothing more. Summoning earth, the admin threw it to the dark figure. The monster only absorbed it- and fired it right back.

Xisuma already knew fire wouldn't work. He'd already been using that along side the watcher... Biting his lip, he tried lava, effects that dealt damage- anything that was coming to mind... "This isn't working!"

Suddenly the beast stopped moving though, and Xisuma blinked. He furrowed his brow as he paused and looked ahead- what was Grian doing?!

Hovering face to face with the beast, Grian stared confidently at the beast. Squaring his shoulders he narrowed his eyes... Thoughts... Words... dreams... He attempted a few things, furrowing his brow slightly as he started to struggle keeping up his stare.

"Fair plan, boy... But it won't work against a creature of my strength..." the beast spoke. Its eyes barely flickered as it stared deeply at Grian.

The watcher hesitated, biting his lip. His eyes widened and he yelped and shouted out in pain as he lifted his hands quickly to his head, curling up slightly.

The dark monster raised its head slightly and moved swiftly forward, opening its jaws wide to clamp down on Zeqain. Xisuma panicked in the moment- the monster couldn't do that! Quickly he summoned a large heap of earth, throwing it down at the monster. It barely stalled the beast as it began absorbing the lump. Quickly he shouted for Grian to get out of the way, and sighed heavily in relief as the watcher did just that- seconds before the jaws snapped shut.

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