Chapter 16

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A/N; The final bit. Technically it ended the last chapter- but there were these fun little 'snippets' I wanted to write- to really finish the story... So enjoy! For yes- this is the end... Thank you for all who have read this story, and contributed with ideas, or gave exciting or sweet comments! Please enjoy, and great thanks to all of you!


Close up everyone gathered in the central park a few days after. Huddled close they talked and remembered everything they'd been through... Home again, they all were. And finally things were looking up for the city.

Grian the day before returned to the End, and to his watchers. There he gathered them all up and had a meeting with them- a discussion on what's happened, and everything he'd be changing... Yes- he'd claimed his title as Lead Watcher by cheating in the past. But he was going to use this moment, and this opportunity to change the way things were done, to change the rules. Free they all were now- to wear masks or not. To blend in and be a part of the overworld. To go back and forth from the realms.

Following that he met up with the King- Elenore's father... Kneeling in front of the throne he once sat on, he talked of what happened, discussed the terrible things he'd done, and even asked for forgiveness- if the King would at all grant it... Luckily he did, recognizing that the watcher had tried to renew his wrongs, and was currently in the act of it still. He even recognized that Grian helped free Elenore from the hold of the beast she once wore in a relic.

He'd praised the watcher, for helping save the realms, his daughter and even his people- despite his previous actions... But, he knew he couldn't leave him unpunished for what he'd done, even after repenting of his wrongs. So... He'd charged Zeqain... with community service, much to the watcher's relief- and Elenore's as well.

With that he began the work of rebuilding the city, him, Baisley and Elenore all in charge. Grian had even gotten the other watchers to come and help, Baisley convincing the people of the High Kingdom that things have changed, that the watchers were back the way they once were- Watcher's were never evil beings, seeking the destruction of others... But it was corrupt watchers, and corrupt leaders that lead to who they were known as today. Thankfully- thankfully that was changing... Not every single one switched sides- many not so easily... But all were given the chance to try, the chance to do... So that was what they did.

Only a few days in, and millions of hands helping to rebuild the kingdom, much work had already been done. The central fountain was nearly rebuilt, and the ground around it tended to and fixed. All was well again, and all of Grian's friends were happily together. Each one of them, held in each other's arms in a large, group hug, Grian right in the middle. Even Scar was there, standing amongst them.

Three days prior, not long after the beast had been defeated, the friends reunited their first time back at the wreck of the city. Xisuma and Grian looked around at all the damage that had been caused... Scar let out a heavy sigh, rolling back and forth slightly in his wheelchair. Somehow amongst all this fire that had spread out everywhere, his original wheel chair near Grian's house was absolutely untouched. That he called magic, making everyone laugh. "...This is where I'm glad I took Jellie to a friend's house before this happened." he said.

Xisuma let out a laugh. "You're itching to go get her, aren't you?"

Scar nodded, looking to him. "I miss having my little girl on my lap! And all her messes!"

Xisuma smiled slightly. "Well- go get your Jellie then. But before you do that..." he said, walking up to him. He bent down in front of him, watching him carefully.

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