Chapter 3

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        "Well, well, well... What do we have here? A princess who finally went rogue?"

        Elenore froze just as she was about to send her enderman on to the group. Narrowing her eyes she spun around quickly toward the familiar, new voice. "What do you want, Darwin?! Can't you tell I'm busy!" she shouted.

        "Oh, I can clearly see that, Elenore. Doesn't mean I care..." Darwin said, adjusting his fur trimmed cape. "But alas, that is exactly what I'm here for. You can thank my new little... friend." He said, glancing to the shorter man beside him.

        "He was really hard to persuade. Like- really hard. He loves his gold a little too much..." Ren said, glancing to the crown upon the Nether King's head. As of course, the crown was made of gold, a band curving from the ears to the front, a gap at the forehead. From there, two deep red horns came off it, curling outward with a little twist at the peaks.

        Elenore growled. "Leave me, brother! I want nothing to do with you, I-"

        One of her enderman screeched, and instantly her eyes widened as she turned back. She growled again at the group's absence, and waved her arm swiftly, sending some of her enderman after them. She then turned again to Darwin as the nether king sent Ren off to find his friends. "I would have had them if it weren't you... This is your fault!" she said.

        Darwin shook his head. "Honestly, sister. We all hoped you wouldn't fall for the darkness of the End. You do know I have to stop you now, right? The End of Eyes must be destroyed, that darkness eliminated." he said.

        "That is only because you don't want me taking over your Nether, isn't it..." she said, backing up a little, gathering more enderman around her.

        Darwin smirked a little. "Maybe..." he said. He gestured toward himself slightly, and from behind him limped over a horde of zombie pigmen. "Let's begin."


        "Water- water- water!" Impulse shouted. "WE NEED WATER!" Impulse screeched as an enderman teleported in front of him, roaring at him.

        "We don't have any!" Etho said, jumping at the enderman. The thin creature growled and teleported, Etho thumping to the ground.

        "If we had weapons or something, this would be so much easier!" Impulse said, quickly helping Etho back to his feet. The masked man then turned and picked Scar back up again as they continued running.

        "Man- If I really had my wheelchair, you guys could use it to beat the living daylights out of these creatures!" Scar chuckled. "Just imagine it-"

        "Now is not the time for jokes and such, Scar. We need to get out of here and fast!" Cleo said. She screeched to a halt as she turned a corner, and quickly began running again. "If only we had Xisuma- he seems to really know these halls, and all we're doing is getting lost- AH!"

        Cleo jerked back, Impulse running into her. He stumbled back, shaking his head. "Cleo- why'd you stop?!" he asked. Looking up he paused and widened his eyes. "Oh-"

        "Turn the other way-" Cleo said, turning sharply as she ran past Impulse and by Etho- pausing when she reached the corner. "Crap... Guys, I think we're trapped." she said, glancing to both hordes of enderman roaring and teleporting closer.

        "What do we do now?!" Impulse asked. "We're stuck!"

        "Not for long!" Pearl shouted, cutting her sword through the horde of enderman, Xisuma just behind her. The enderman turned and screeched at her, teleporting all around as they aimed to attack. As soon as she saw an opening though, she gestured for the others to follow, out through the halls they continued their run, Pearl and Xisuma leading them along.

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