Gunmar The Black

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Gunmar The Black had recreated his army but there was one person missing and that happened to be Angor Rot.

Gunmar The Black had revived Angor Rot with the help of Morgana Where's Stricklander Gunmar The Black asked Angor Rot. I will fetch this 
Stricklander for you said Angor Rot looking at the ferocious Gunmar The Black Gunmar the Vicious. Bring him to me Angor Rot said Gunmar

What no one knew was the fact that the Ghostbusters along with Phoebe, Lexi Spengler and Chiara DuBaer decided to come to Arcadia after recieving an anonymous call  what chance did the Ghostbusters and the three girls have against Gunmar the Black...

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What no one knew was the fact that the Ghostbusters along with Phoebe, Lexi Spengler and Chiara DuBaer decided to come to Arcadia after recieving an anonymous call  what chance did the Ghostbusters and the three girls have against Gunmar the Black Gunmar the Vicious

Walter Strickler also knew that these Ghostbusters never stood a chance so it was the job of the Trollhunters to protect these Ghostbusters the people and troll kind from these fearsome Gumm-Gumm Trolls Gunmar especially.

Walter Strickler also knew that these Ghostbusters never stood a chance so it was the job of the Trollhunters to protect these Ghostbusters the people and troll kind from these fearsome Gumm-Gumm Trolls Gunmar especially

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These Ghostbusters were unknowingly walking to their own deaths if the Trollhunters couldn't protect them against Gunmar and his
Gumm-Gumm army or the Titans whether they should rise. Gunmar was enough for now but if the time did arrive for the Titans to rise far into the future the Trollhunters would be ready. If a fight was what Gunmar the Black. Gunmar the Vicious wanted a fight was what he was going to get from the two Trollhunters.

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