Chapter 11

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The first rays of sunlight shone onto Walter's face waking him he had taken Barbara up on her offer and decided to stay the night at Barbara Lake's he groaned as he pushed himself into a sitting position rubbing the sleep from his eyes it was Monday so Walter Strickler made his way to  arcadia oaks high school.

The moment he reached the canal it was too late for he didn't see the dart flying through the air until it hit his neck causing him to groan in pain as he fell to his knees hello changeling the man said grabbing his arms. No leave him. James was the last thing Walter saw before his whole world went dark but not before James said I want you to take a good look because this is the last face your going to see.

For once Jim Lake Jr was on time for school but there was no sign of Mr. Strickler Jim ran out of his history class before searching for Mr. Strickler. Jim threw his leg over his vespa before making his way home.

Mom! Have you seen Mr. Strickler Jim said bursting into the living room. What did you do to him Barbara asked angrily and it was only then that I saw James standing in the corner of the room he ran away Barbara it seems that he didn't stick around for you or Jim but I'm here now.

What did you do to him Barbara asked angrily I offered him a choice replied James stay here and die at the hands of Angor Rot or Gunmar or flee to the nearest town over and clearly he took the second option said James but now.  I'm going to look for Mr. Strickler Jim growled before shoving James out the front door.

As he took the canal he searched for Mr. Strickler the sun began to set revealing a full blood red moon he squinted in the dark sky to see a pair of legs sticking out from behind the rubble. Jim gasped and began to run.

Mr. Strickler Jim said dropping to his knees as tears streamed down his cheeks. He was still breathing but Jim could tell he was struggling. Jim knew that this wasn't the work of Angor Rot Gunmar nor Morgana but this Jim Lake, Jr knew was the work of his father he felt his blood boil as he picked up Walter making his way back home.

Hopefully there was one person who could fix this who could save Walter Strickler and Jim knew just the person.

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