Chapter 10

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It was all a test to see how Jim and Barbara would react when I saw them again but what he didn't expect to happen was the Changeling holding Barbara in his arms while it's wings were wrapped around her.

The trolls are at their weakest the moment the sun comes up and what do we do about the Changeling? Someone asked we kill him at first light replied James.

If we take out the leaders this changeling and Jim leaving the trolls  practically defenseless kill the changeling and leave Jim to me James said causing the rest of the group to nod.

Once this Changeling is out of the way Barbara and Jim will be alone we'll tell her that he ran away we'll destroy everything that Barbara and Jim care about I know Jim views this changeling as a father figure.

Kill the changeling at first light  but remember leave Jim to me and it wasn't long before they disappeared into the night.

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