Chapter 12

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Keep him cool mom Jim said lying Walt on the couch before he ran into the kitchen seeing Merlin playing with the fridge.

Merlin I need you to save a life please Merlin Jim cried as he led Merlin into the living room. You want me to save a Changeling Merlin said shocked. Yes. Please Jim cried he's like a father figure to me.

I can't save him the poison is too much. Just try please Merlin Barbara cried he nodded though he knew his magic wasn't strong enough to cure Walter he needed an antidote.

Hold on there is something stuck to the tip Merlin said removing the dart from Walter's neck causing him to groan in pain. Ah the petal comes from the Morteus flower it says here that someone poisoned by the Morteus can only be saved by a potion made from the leaf of the very same flower.

Where is the location of the Morteus flower Jim asked.

It can only be found in the caves deep beneath the forest of Baloch. The flower grows on the roots of the Morteus tree.

Sounds like fun Jim said Jim it's too dangerous replied Merlin if I don't get the antidote what happens to Walter? Asked Jim. The Morteus induces a slow and painful death. He may hold out four, maybe five days but not much longer. Eventually he will die replied Merlin. Than I'm going Claire and Toby can protect Arcadia from Gunmar Angor Rot or Morgana.

Jim... Barbara started but was cut off no mom this is something I have to do I was just gonna say be careful promise me you'll be careful Barbara said I promise Mom Jim replied as he set off to the caves deep beneath the forest of Baloch in search of the Morteus flower.

As Jim was walking through the forest near the cave's deep beneath the forest of Baloch he saw the Griffin
which had guarded the forest. Jim started to run only to trip over a tree root he backed away in fear Jim closed his eyes as the Griffin reared up getting ready for the Griffin's hooves but they didn't come.

Run, Run Lancelot shouted grabbing Jim's arm the two jumped behind a fallen tree. It's gone. You saved my life
I'm Jim. Lancelot the man said shaking his hand. With Lancelot by his side Jim continued his search for the Morteus flower.

In The Shadow's Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora