Chapter 8

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Walter! Barbara screamed as the Changeling's eyes flew open as Angor's sword was plunged into his chest he fell to his knees turning into stone almost instantly. She couldn't open a portal and this was her fault.

Barbara fell to her knees crying as she dragged herself to Walter. She picked up his Amulet of Eclipse in her hands Oh Walt Barbara cried putting her forehead on Walter's stone forehead crying.

Barbara Lake the Amulet said but she ignored it her tears streaming down her cheeks hitting his forehead as she cried she noticed that the stone changed he felt warm and instead of stone she felt flesh.

Waltolomew Stricklander the Amulet said causing Barbara to gasp as she opened her eyes and looked down she saw Walter in his human form his eyes still closed but he was no longer encased in stone he was alive and that was all that mattered right now for Barbara Lake.

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