"You question, I shall answer"

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Chapter 13: "You question, I shall answer"

A/N: yes yes I am alive now fold your dishes and walk your ceiling-

Amelia Watson pov:

I was back in my shared house with Ina, I layed Gura on the couch. Thankfully I wasn't in a bad shape so it was easy carrying a 8 year old body. But for someone as small as her she's really strong, it felt like my arms were going to break and turn into dust when she started to hit me.

If she was a shark from Atlantis then wouldn't I be dead? Why did she hold back? Or is she weaker in her humanoid form.


I heard knocking from the front door, I ran to the door and opened it hoping to see Ina.



I was shocked to see Gawr, Gura's twin sister. How did she get a hold of my location?

"Yeah yeah, I'll explain later! Lemme in to see that idiot of a shark." She said, her face filled with anger however in her voice there was a hint of worry.

"O-oh, ok" I say as I let her in, she rushes in to the living room while I follow. Once she saw the blue twin lying unconscious on the couch she ran to her to check her temperature. She sighs in relief.

"Thank God it's not as bad as last time." She says.

Hold on, 'last time?' Did this happen before? If it did then why didn't I get any cases on this? No missing person or murder of such...

"Oh, right, the explanation." Gawr says as she looks at me, her hands on her waist and with an expression of annoyance. "Well question me already! We don't got all day!" She says

I sweatdrop at her, she's pretty intimidating even as an extremely short and cute person. "Ah, well. Let's start with the basics. What happened to Gura?"

The red twin looks at her alternative, then sighs and gives a look of worry. "This happens every 1000 years, when she was in Atlantis she would feed on human flesh when she went patrolling. Eventually she got addicted to the flavor. When we moved to dry land she had a hard time trying to get over it for the past 6000 years."

That's a lot to digest but I don't have time, this is the best time to question about things like this...

(Rin: get ready for lore, every lore here is my idea. Well idk, also I'm going to write the Q&A LORE differently)

"Since she's really old does that mean she's extremely smart?"


"Yes she's extremely intelligent in combat and out of combat.

As the queen she's expected to be smarter than the

Average Atlantean. The average Atlantean is

Smarter than the average human."

Gawr -

"Do you practice magic?"


"Of course we do, how else would we be alive.

We practice ancient water magic from our father.

Who is Poseidon."

Gawr -

"Are you guys Gods?"


"When you think about it, we are Gods.

But we have to earn the title.

We cannot simply just be given the title from birth."

Gawr -

(Guys if you want to learn more about my AU)

(Please comment, it helps and you get answers)

(To your answers)

"I have no more questions" I say, she gives out a hum in response. Who knew this dumb shork is a genius.

"Amelia... are you done with yo-" the priestess walked in the living room dressed in her pajamas, she was cut off when she saw Gura on the couch and her sister.

Ina rushed to the shark girl, the first time we saw her fat shark tail. I wasn't so surprised as ina though, I look at Gawr to see her shark tail was red.

"Long story short, blood lust and Gura found her target. That target was Amelia sadly." Gawr said to the purple haired female.

That's when the shark started to wake up.


𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕊𝕟𝕒𝕔𝕜 |𝕀ℕ𝔸𝕄𝔼𝕊𝔸𝕄𝔼| RE-WRITEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora