Perci Kills Math and Alex Gets A Ring

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TW: Slight blood

Alex wrapped her arm around Perci as they ventured deeper into the building. She put her other hand in her blue jacket pocket where her wallet was to prepare to pay for Nancy's new shirt. It was the bitch's fault! Why were they being punished?

She tightened her grip on Perci when they walked past the gift shop. There wasn't anywhere else to buy a new shirt or anything for Bitchfit, so why were they getting farther away from people?


Alex had slightly pushed Perci behind her when they got back to the room where the stele was. She glanced up and it still seemed like the old sphinx was going to fall. She wouldn't be surprised with how old it was.

She looked down when she stepped on something metal and picked up a ring. She glanced around and thought back.

Alex looked around the Japanese exhibits. They were pretty cool and looked so lifelike.

She leaned away from a samurai fighting a Mongol and turned to a Daimyo pledging loyalty to the Shogun. She stared into the Shogun's eyes and saw they were dull and emotionless. Almost like they were simply doing what they were created for.

She shook her head. No need to be poetic.

She grunted when she ran into someone's chest. If a brick wall were to become a human, she imagined that she just ran into it.

She looked up and saw a black-haired man fiddling with a silver ring while glancing at her. "Are you okay?" He had a Bruce Lee look going for him with the outfit he had on him. If it wasn't for the slight changes in facial structure, he almost looked exactly like Bruce Lee.

Alex nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry for running into you."

He paused. "It's fine. Children, no, everyone makes idiotic mistakes." He tossed the ring up and placed it on his finger with a flash of...pain? He nodded at her and left through the door.

She glanced around for the man and didn't see him. She picked the ring up and quickly put it on her finger. Thankfully, she didn't feel any pain.

There wasn't anyone else in the room. Not even a college kid working on a report. Just two kids and an Alabamian teacher. Alex laughed slightly despite the situation.

The duo faced the teacher, one with disappointment and the other with suspicion and wariness.

When Mrs. Dodds started growling, Alex fully shoved Perci behind her.

Like when she was in a fight, she blocked everything out except for her opponent. Her surroundings swirled together as she focused her heterochromatic eyes on her teacher.

Thunder shook the building, making the lights flicker and the noirette jump slightly.

"We are not fools, Perci Jackson," Mrs. Dodds said. "It was only a matter of time before we found you out. Confess, and you will suffer less pain."

Alex didn't know what she was talking about, but she didn't care. She noticed the back of Mrs. Dodds was rising and lowering, like something under it wanted to push out. She noticed how her fingernails shone a little too brightly to be normal, like a bird's talons. The ring grew slightly warm.

"You're a teacher," Alex said as she clenched her fists. "You're supposed to make sure we don't get in trouble, or at least don't hurt ourselves. You're not supposed to be threatening us. I get it, we're annoying."

"Your time is up," she hissed.

Her eyes began to shine like barbecue coals. Her fingers stretched, turning into talons. Her jacket burst at the seams when large, leathery wings sprung out. 'Guess that I know what was wrong with her back,' Alex thought when she tackled Perci away from being sliced to ribbons or eaten by a mouth with yellow fangs that probably haven't been touched with a toothbrush since it was invented.

Alex grabbed Perci and they ran behind a statue of the gods. Alex panted, not from energy loss, but the opposite. Adrenaline flowed through her veins as she focused on keeping Perci and her alive.

She took her jacket off and threw it around the corner. Perci yelped when a talon grabbed it and cut through it like a hot knife through butter.

They dashed out the other side of the marble to where they had more room.

Mr. Brunner, who had been outside the museum only a minute before, wheeled his chair into the doorway with a pen in hand. "What ho, Perci!" he shouted and tossed the pen through the air with perfect aim.

Perci grabbed it and nearly dropped it. The reason? She wasn't holding a pen. Rather a 3-feet long piece of sharp bronze in the shape of a sword.

Alex stared at it and, against her will, reached the hand bearing the ring to fist-bump the sword. Within milliseconds, she held her sword.

Instead of bronze, it was silver. The bottom of the blade, no matter which way she turned, it had a dark shadow on it. The handle fit perfectly in her hands and she held it in front of her. Perci quickly copied her, but with a much less practiced form.

When the transformed Mrs. Dodds lunged at them again, they swung at her.

They would've killed her if not for the...thing that appeared.

It was cruel to compare it to a dog, but that's what it looked closest to.

It was nearly 7 feet tall. It had hulking muscles beneath the black and purple fur it seemed to be too big for. The jaws were bigger than any gator's she's seen, and she lived in Florida during the majority of June and July and part of August. The teeth were jagged and far too many were forced into the mouth.

"What the fucking mother of mac n' cheese is that?!" Alex yelled.

Perci shook her head.

Alex suddenly leaped at the beast with the sword pulled back. She dodged the claws of both aiming at her and stabbed the beast in the leg.

It bit the air above her, just missing her head. It growled and lept at Perci.

Perci yelped and swung the sword, slicing it across the face. Galaxy patterned blood dripped from the wound.

Alex sliced the tail off after failing to the hit leg having to dodge the hag.

She had it follow her and dashed to the stele at full speed. Right before she ran into it, she jumped to the side at the last second while it ran into the stele.

The sphinx on top rocked side to side before falling and crashing down on the reject dog. The stone broke into many pieces.

Before it could try to swipe at the rock on its probably broken spine, Alex stabbed it through the chest.

Perci slashed at the hag about to slice Alex and she disappeared like any kid's aspirations in a cloud of sulfur smelling dust.

Alex grabbed her jacket, which was somehow now in one piece. She put the now ring form sword thing back on her shaking hand and pulled Perci out of the museum like she was running from la chancla.


A figure in the shadows watched the two run out of the room.

They walked over to the Chaos Beast with an empty look on their face. They regarded the Beast before pulling their fist back and punching the Beast's head, fully killing it.

When the night guard appeared for his first shift after the museum came to life, he wasn't too surprised to see the sphinx in one piece lounging on the floor.

He went to the next room and silently wondered where it had gotten the skull the size of his ribcage...

A/n: Barely made it, but I finished the chapter before Sunday by 13 mins.

Perci Jackson, Alex Hayda, and the Lightning ThiefWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu