Colors and Skedaddling

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Mrs. Kerr sighed as she sat down at her desk. It had been a long day of pretending to be a mortal.

"I swear, this is harder than being back at home," she said to the screen of the floating blue orb.

10 screens faced her. All 10 showed only a color. Silver, dark grey, blue, dark brown, white, red, light green, pink, black, and forest green.

"'Sounds tough.'" The dark grey screen lit up to show the man behind it was talking.

"Oh, shut up, you We-" Mrs. Kerr started to say.

"'Any new reports, Orange?" Silver asked.

"She's able to see through whatever you call it. Mist, I think?" Orange said. "Her and the water spawn."

Silver chuckled. "'As expected of her. I wonder how she'll fare against him.'"

"'Quick question about that. Why wouldn't you do anything about that? It'll happen pretty soon,'" Pink noted. "Only 5 years in the worlds time."

"'Because she needs to get ready for when it happens. And it has to happen so she'll need to survive if she wants her water spawn to survive. The reason I don't interfere with that is because it's a sibling matter. And, according to the notes I made, siblings like to fight. The Cain Instinct as the mortals have decided to call it.'"

"'She's gonna get traumatized from that, you know,'" said Light Green. "And then I'll get to deal with it. It's not fun taking care of traumatized children I'll have you know. And she's probably going to snap.'"

"'Doesn't that come with your job?'" teased Black.

"'Oh, go do a debate you idiot Speaker!'" Light Green yelled.

"'We're getting off topic,'" reminded Dark Brown. "'What exactly has Alex been doing?'"

"Definitely remembers the hag despite the horse and goat. Doesn't trust me and keeps Perci away from me, but I can't blame her for that. I know for a fact that she has the ring that he dropped. It currently only has Riptide's form, but once she gets to camp, she'll gain more. When do you plan to do something about that?"

"'When the sea, the shadow, and the flame get so as well,'" Silver said.

"Okay. We had a Rouge watch her playing soccer earlier. Before anyone could get to it, it left. I think he was following it. He did take care of the one at the museum after Alex made the sphinx fall on it. Not a terrible plan either. And yes, the museum did come alive at night like usual."

"'I was wondering how that place was coming along. Nice to see the magic is still working.'"

"She has pulled 17 different pranks in the week and a half. 13 of them on the one she calls 'Bitchfit'. I have to say, the name fits the brown-noser. She's such an asshole. I mean, she has all the teachers except for the horse and I wrapped around her finger! As soon as this school year is over, I'm going to dropkick her and quit before coming back home."

"'Record it and I'll up your salary,'" Silver promised.

"Deal." Orange kicked her feet upon her desk. "She's doing pretty well in school. As well as she can at least with what she has. Loves to fight. I can't wait till she's in my class! It'll be so much fun."

"'She'd kick your ass sooner or later,'" Pink said.

Orange rolled her eyes. "She's very protective of Perci, which again, is understandable. She is protective of the goat as well, but to a smaller degree. She doesn't yet have suspicions about the horse and the goat being a horse and a goat."

Perci Jackson, Alex Hayda, and the Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now