Test Flying and Friends

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Alex rubbed her bleary eyes as she sat up in her bed. She hunched over from the weight on her back as she got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom.

She glanced at the paper taped next to the mirror. It was a list of everything she had to do in the morning. She grabbed the pencil on the counter and put a check next to the first thing on the list.

'Wake up ✔️

Splash cold water on the face

Brush hair

Get dressed (Check the weather for specifics)

Take medicine

Brush teeth

Make bed

Feed dog

Eat breakfast

Check agenda'

She wiped her face with a towel and got to work on completing it.

(Timeskip of doing responsible morning stuff)

Alex cracked her back as she finally sat down on the couch in the living room. She took a deep breath as she gently ran her fingers through Fallen's fur. She had gotten everything on her list done in 20 minutes, so she was feeling good.

She didn't grab her medicine from home, being a bit preoccupied with finding Perci. Somebody had left the bottles on the kitchen counter with a note that said not to forget them again. It was signed by 'E/T'. She was going to guess it wasn't by the little alien.

She groaned at the knock on her door. She looked at the clock across the room. It was only 6:40. She stood up and Fallen followed her, a red rubber ball in her jaws.

Alex opened the door right as Annabeth was about to knock again. Alex looked down at the blonde. She saw Perci behind Annabeth.

"It's 6:40 in the morning," Alex said. "What do you want? I just sat down not even 3 minutes ago."

Perci crossed her arms and looked at Alex. She shrugged slightly and one hand tilted out. She nodded at the Brain Spawn. Alex leaned against the door frame with a deadpan and a raised eyebrow. Perci threw her hands up and put them on her hips. Alex rolled her eyes and mimicked the pose.

"What are you two doing?" asked Annabeth

"Having a conversation," Alex responded. "Asking this idiot why she didn't stop you beings from coming here. This is my relaxing time. Perci, you know what happens when I don't get my relaxing time in the morning when I have the opportunity to have it. I already checked and the first activity doesn't even start till 9."

"I wanted to ask if we could test your flying skills," Annabeth said bluntly.

Alex tilted her head. "Okay, I get Annabeth and my idiot over there wanting to see. Why are you two here?" She looked at Devon and Lexi.

Devon went to speak, but Lexi did first. "We wanted to ask if you wanted to be friends. I mean, the four of us are anomalies. Anomalies should stick together. The majority of other campers are probably going to either be scared of us or try to bully us. Me and Devon, well, we wanted to extend an olive branch."

Alex's head was spinning at the fast pace of words. She blinked and shrugged. "Sure, I'm fine with it. Perci?"

Perci smiled and nodded. "It'd be nice to have friends in this place."

Alex stepped outside her cabin and hit her wings on the frame again. She grumbled as Fallen came out as well. "I need to figure out how to control these things." She concentrated on the muscles in them and had them close again.

Perci Jackson, Alex Hayda, and the Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now