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Originally, Alex was glad that the Ares kids were taking them back to the flag. They didn't have to go searching for it. Now that she saw there was only three people in the clearing, including the two from before, she was ecstatic.

The duo from the blue team kept just out of sight as the person who was guarding the flag left. They grumbled something about heading to beat up one of their friends for singing Jonas Brothers at 5 in the morning.

"Any ideas?" Lexi asked.

Alex looked at her. "Aren't you the one who's been here for 5 years?" She pointed at the other girls beaded necklace.

"Well, yes, but I've never gotten the flag before. You were the one who beat Clarisse, Annabeth, and Luke by yourself," she countered.

Alex shrugged. "Good point." She scanned the two carefully before gaining an idea...

Quinn was getting annoyed. He was on guard duty! He was supposed to be helping get revenge on the toilet bitch. But, apparently, suggesting that they tie her to a tree and leave her there for the entire night was a bad idea. Also, Thomas didn't know how to shut up about how the traps were faulty.

"Dude, shut the fuck up!" Quinn roared. Thomas closed his mouth. "Forget about the traps! Just shut up and guard the flag! I have to go do something." He shouldered his shield, like how he'd seen a man dressed as a flag had done in a comic before. He ran into the woods toward the creek.

Thomas was about to leave his post when he heard a small yelp. "Quinn! You good?"

After a few moments, a girl in a dinged red helmet walked toward him. "Quinn ran into me and was surprised. He went toward the creek."

"That dumbass," Thomas muttered. "Guard the flag with me?"

The girl nodded and stood behind him. "Have you seen any blues?"

"Just one. It was Luke, he grabbed the decoy flag we had a Hecate kid make. Quinn and I jumped out of the tree over there when he was gone." Thomas rubbed his eyes.

The girl nodded.

"I'm sorry, I just realized I forgot to ask your name. Who are you? I can't tell under the helmet." He looked sheepish.

Alex grinned under the helmet. "A decoy." He turned to see the flag being carried by a sprinting Lexi.

Alex tackled him and stripped him of his gear. She kicked his kneecaps before chasing after Lexi. "Catch ya on the flip side, Tommy-boy!" She giggled as she disappeared into the darkness.

Lexi was running as fast as she could. Considering she used to walk dogs, she'd gotten pretty fast after always chasing Molly when the Greyhound would escape.

When any blues saw her carrying the flag, they stopped fighting any reds to protect the flag from being stolen back. When the reds saw, they fought like they saw red.

She thought that when Travis was taken down by Beckendorf right next to her, it was over for her. If it wasn't for Alex tackling him out of the way, it would have been. The helmet she borrowed from Quinn made a perfect weapon. 

Alex threw a small band at the group Beckendorf was in. It expanded exponentially and wrapped around the 5. She helped Lexi up and they continued running. "Catch ya later, losers!" She tossed the red helmet at them and put her blue one back on.

"WE GOT THE FLAG SO RUN YOU FUCKERS! RUN!" Alex's yelling was useful in getting people out of the way. The reds weren't even going to try to stop the small mob.

For the next three minutes, they sprinted like their lives depended on it. All was going well until they saw Perci, Devon, and Luke fighting against 11 people. The two were filled with wrath at the sight. Even more so when Devon and Perci were kicked in their chests.

Alex felt something burst through her back and shred the armor. Lexi felt her arms grow unbearably hot. Alex yelled as loud as she could; a sound several times louder than what even the best opera singer could hope for escaped her throat.

Perci didn't know where it went wrong. First, her and Devon finished taking care of the Ares kids coming after her. Second, Luke jumped over the creek with a decoy flag. Third, before he could go back to find the real one a group of 11 people? Things? Living beings in different colored clothes appeared and started to attack them. Fourth, a scream deafened everyone, making some ears start to bleed, people fall, and give everyone ringing ears. Fifth, she saw a fireball catch a person on fire. Sixth, Alex had wings.

Fuck this shit. Consider her application to life gone.

Alex had giant wings that sprouted from just below her shoulder blades. They were an inky black in color. The moon light shone down on them, making them sparkle and showing them covered in blood along with her back and shirt. Perci couldn't tell just how big the wingspan was, but it was at least 15 feet. Why did she have wings?

Lexi was also on fire. Well, her arms were. Why was she on fire?

Alex tackled the beings in the orange and red outfits. "You stay away from them you fuckasses!"

The others all got a fire ball to the face as Lexi pitched them with a perfect stance, deadly accuracy, and glare on her face.

Alex pulled out Shadowsteel from Silver's leg and stabbed Black in the gut. She slashed Pink across the face and kicked Brown in the nuts.

She was kicked in the back of her knees by Orange, making her fall. She was then kicked again in the shoulder. She tumbled on the ground. She shook as she stood up. She yelled when she shoved her arm back in its socket. She ducked under the rock thrown at her by Brown and blocked the punch from Orange with her wings.

Red threw a ball of fire at Lexi. She grabbed it and threw it back. She lept over the creek, fire shooting from her hands to propel her. Her fist connected with White's temple, making them fall like a sack of bricks.

Devon pulled an arrow out of her quiver and shot Grey in the gut. Light Green pulled it out and healed the wound. She saw Grey's skin around the former entry point turn black.

Silver backhanded Alex to Luke's feet. They grabbed Lexi by the throat and threw her at Devon. They sliced the air, making a silver portal appear. They all ran through with Orange carrying White. Pink and Black stopped and looked at the campers. "'Forget this and go back.'"

With that, the portal closed and the campers held their heads with the sharp pains.

Perci Jackson, Alex Hayda, and the Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now