Letters and Some Cabins

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The next day was a unique one for sure. Not only were four people claimed, and all of them were by divine beings who either shouldn't have kids or were never thought to have kids, but two cabins appeared. Two, in a way.

After everyone woke up and went to the main part of the camp to head to breakfast, the stones around the campfire turned a soft orange for a few moments. When they returned to the normal grey color, there was a symbol of a donkey on one of them.

The crowd parted for Lexi when she went to it to press it. The moment she did, the symbol caught on fire. Inside the pit, the ground opened to show a set of stairs leading down to presumably a place for Lexi to stay now that she was claimed. Devon followed Lexi down the stairs and the ground closed behind them.

Chiron had ordered the counselor for the Apollo cabin to wait for them to come back up incase something happened.

The next was Cabin 0.

Alex looked at the outside of the cabin that appeared overnight. The outside was made of sturdy wood that nobody recognized. It had been sanded down in an incredibly smooth way. The roof was made of a metal that, again, nobody recognized. Alex deducted that it was the same metal as Shadowsteel with a quick observation.

She hesitated before touching the door. She took a deep breath and opened it. It was better to see the place she would be living in sooner rather than later. She walked into the cabin with her wings hitting the door frame. She needed to figure out how to control those things on her back.

The inside was definitely bigger on the inside than the outside. Shelves lined the walls that were stuffed to the brim with books, papers, and scrolls.

It was dark inside the cabin, but not. If she focused, she could see everything clearly, but she could still see shadows on everything. A soft carpet was on the stone floor in front of the lit fireplace. Around the fireplace, dark blue couches rested.

Alex walked into the kitchen and started to go through the cabinets. There were plenty of ingredients to make fresh food. Not that the food from the magic plates wasn't fresh, but food always tasted better when you made it in her opinion. And when you steal it from someone else.

She checked and...yep. The fridge had some milk, orange juice, and her favorite comfort food. Chocolate chip pancakes without the sugar on top. She didn't like the texture. She closed it and opened the freezer. Her mouth was slack at the sheer amount of meat in there. Chicken, beef, turkey, ham, bacon, and steak. She slowly closed it.

She turned around and swore she saw a flash of a galaxy disappear. She ignored it at this point. If something in here wanted to kill her, it would have done so by now.

She walked around until she found her bedroom. Magic was definitely involved as her room should have taken up at least half of the cabin space based on the outside.

Blueprints lined the walls with invention ideas that seemed so out of this world. Tools were carefully put in clear boxes next to a door that led to a workshop that would make her mamá swoon in jealousy.

A long oak desk was pushed against the wall and had a stack of numerous books with English letters on them, but in seemingly completely random spots. She grabbed the book on the top, sat on her bed, and opened it.

The letters were in random spots again, but this time written out. She stared at them for a couple seconds and they slowly flickered to be in English. The first page...was a letter from Chaos. Alex couldn't consider her part of her family yet, as she didn't even know what the deity looked like. She didn't have a reason as to why she was never part of her daughter's life- Oh, it was in the letter.

Perci Jackson, Alex Hayda, and the Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now