New surroundings.

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I had been in my new home for a week now...I had dyed my hair blonde and had taken steps to heal my mind...I missed my family with every fibre of my soul and I wanted nothing more than to hold my babies in my arms.

Shaking my head I sat on the bed in my motel room...I had to save my money as much as I could so I had decided to live in cheap motels and spend my time sightseeing...Maybe I could take up drawing again...I had been good while younger, I was good at portraits....Maybe I should draw people around here...

I was living for the time being in Port American town with pleasent people. Everyone I had come across so far was friendly and much so that I had joined a group of brits that had also moved here to live better of yet I hadn't told them much about my life...I was still getting to know them.

I was due to go to a get together later that night and was actually looking forward to it.

My new friends had told me a new member was joining them and I was keen to meet her...she had sounded nice.

The day moved on and I chanced a look at my phone, turning it on briefly and being dismayed at the number of messages and missed calls that were showing up...Why couldn't they get on with thier lives...Like I was trying to do.

Shaking my head I was about to go eat when a frantic knock sounded on my door...I froze...had they found me.

"Mrs Simkim...Are you in there?"

I recognised the voice as one of my new friends and flung the door open...The scared woman fell into my arms and I tried to get her attention.

"Carla, what is it? What's happened?"

"My daughter...she's me, me find her."

My blood ran cold and I ran back in the room, grabbing my keys and purse then I rushed back to Carla and we left...We ran, me following her and came across numerous people shouting her daughter's name. I turned to her.

"When did you last see her? Where was she?"

"Um...Oh...I can't remember..." She said tears falling down her face.

I shook her arms.

"Think Carla, try and retrace your steps until she went missing."

"Well we were at Pork barn...I turned to speak to someone and when I turned back she was gone...I didn't see her leave, I don't know where she went...please help me find her..."

I nodded and grabbed her hand.

"Come on."

Together we ran straight to Pork Barn, I looked at her and got her attention.

"You check inside, ask the staff if they saw anything...I'll search around the building."

I looked around and gulped...Reporters and police were turning up and I panicked...I couldn't be seen on TV.  So I ran...round the side of the building...looking all over and calling her name.


I stopped, catching my breath and listening for any sound of a reply.

Looking at my surroundings I noticed there was a childrens park not far away...So, I ran straight there...There were a few children playing but I was looking for a blond-haired small child and that's when I saw the head of hair, she was playing in the sand box, not a care in the world and I rushed over to her. My heart speeding up...I got down to her level and she looked up at me.

"Are you Melody?"

The little girl looked at me and nodded, and my heart raced in relief.

"Your mummy has been looking for you...She's very worried..."

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