Unforseen Happenings.

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Following Joonie's directions we soon pulled up in the parking lot of a craft store not far from our building and we all climbed out, Joonie adjusting his disguise, I felt bad for asking this of him, he was an Idol and he was going out of his way to help me out. He was about to set of walking into the store when I placed my hand on his arm.

"Are you sure about this...what if you get recognised?"

He chuckled and placed his hand gently on top of mine.

"Don't worry, I know the staff here, we use this place a lot for our run episodes...and I called ahead, we'll be ok."

I was touched but simply nodded.

"Do they have what I need here?"

He simply nodded and I smiled, Piper just watched us, smiling as we began the short walk into the store. It was fuller than I thought it was and I was momentarily shocked, thinking they would close it for Namjoons visit he looked at me and seemed to read my mind.

"I prefer them to run as normal, that way word won't get out and I won't be mobbed... Saesaengs can be scary." I nodded understanding

"Has that happened a lot?" I asked him, he nodded and sighed.

"Mainly to Taehyung and Gguk, But I've had it a couple times...those girls are scary."

"I'm sorry." I said looking down. He looked at me and chuckled.

"Why are you sorry, are you a Saesaeng?" He chuckled. I looked at him shocked, then seeing his smile I chuckled.

We reached the boards and I eyed them, choosing a couple of them, then I decided to get some coloured paper and pens along with some string and pins...once I had everything I asked Namjoon if he needed anything for their next run episode but he shook his head so we went to pay and left the store.

Back at the car we loaded up and climbed inside. I turned to him and Piper.

"You guys hungry?"

Namjoon smiled at me and nodded, Piper nodded, I looked at Joonie.

"Where's the best place to go?"

"Take the next left out of the car park."

I followed his instructions and he directed me to a small food stand at a nearby park...I was confused but decided to trust him as we parked and climbed out. The stand looked like a tent, with a cooking station inside along with a few tables and chairs underneath it and a few outside.

"Take a seat I'll order for us."

I nodded and watched as he walked over to the woman behind the counter and smiled while hugging her, they smiled and he spoke to her fondly, I looked at Piper.

"They must know each other." I said, she nodded and we continued to watch them.

Namjoon pointed to us and the woman looked over, a large smile covering her face, she bowed and we instinctively copied, making Namjoon smile warmly, he hugged her again and walked back over to us, taking a seat beside me.

"You know her?"

"I do, she's a sweetheart, I came here the first day we all moved into the dorm and she made me what I ordered us today, you'll love it...her name is Yumikoo...she's a fan." He said grinning.

His smile was infectious and we both smiled, I thought he was cute.

In no time the woman brought over a large tray of what looked like large lasagne sheets pushed on skewer sticks and three pouches of a red juice along with a smaller yellow drink, she bowed and bowed again, we copied and spoke in broken Korean thanking her and she scurried off. Namjoon looked at us. He picked up the food and explained what it was.

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