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'Hyun's P.O.V.

A week had passed since the 'incident' and Shannen had retreated into herself...gone was the bubbly, happy woman I had come to love, and in her place a scared, timid other version.

I had received word that Peter and his son had been found and took into custody and they had been transported back to England where it turned out they had both been on the wanted list for fraud and another that had actually been carried out by that crazy Shannen hadn't been his first victim by any means.

I had neglected to inform my girl about this fact, for fear she would spiral more...and if I was honest, I missed her, missed her happy face, her bad jokes, I just missed her.

We hadn't been intimate since the attempted rape, I was too scared to even touch her like that...not wanting the pain that would come with her pulling away from me.

She was still talking about going back to England, and I tried desperately to talk her out of it...but she seemed adamant and it was made real when I heard her arranging a job through her old boss...

I was scared I was losing her, and even Piper had been distant since, her happy face replaced by a sad image of defeat...Defeat in that her dream life had come crashing down around her.

Our friends on the other hand had been great, Jin had cooked for us, Namjoon had dealt with any phone calls from the police regarding the incident, and the others had done any shopping we needed, they had been rocks to us, and I couldn't thank them enough...My Eomma had called a few days after the incident, and she had gotten out of me what happened, I could hear her saddened voice at knowing what my girl had gone through and she had offered me words of comfort, asking me to pass them on to Shannen, which I had yet to do.

I was making my girl some food when I heard the doorbell go, wiping my hands on a towel I rushed to the videocom and pressed 'view' I gasped when I saw who was on the other side of the door and rushed to open it, falling gratefully into the arms of the woman stood before me.

"Eomma why are you here? How did you know where Shan' lived?"

"I asked the security downstairs. Told them I was the mother of the man staying here...they told me then."

I smiled and hugged her again, then invited her inside. She looked around then turned to me.

"Where is Shannen?"

I paled then looked towards our bedroom door. My Eomma followed my eyes and nodded.

"Give me some time ok son, I'll talk to her."

She started towards the door, but I placed my hand on her arm, stopping her. She turned to me, her face expressionless.

"I should see if she's awake first, I don't want her waking up to someone she doesn't know..."

My Eomma nodded and I walked to the bedroom, opening the door slowly, my smile widening when I saw Shannen sat up on her phone. She looked over at me, a smile on her pretty mouth.

"Everything ok?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Babe..." I started, her face fell, my heart hurt at the sight. "Someone is here to see you; you want to come out and talk?"

"Who is it?"

I sighed, I knew she would ask that, so taking her hands I sat beside her, her eyes watching mine.

"My Eomma...I didn't know she was coming I swear."

She looked at me for a few moments then climbed of the bed and grabbed some clothes before stripping and was the first time in a week I had seen her body and I couldn't help but notice the small bump beginning to show on her own stomach lurched and I was so happy...our baby was growing inside her.

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