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We touched down on the roof of the hospital and once the blades had stopped turning we stepped out of the helicopter and were greeted by a consultant and a nurse, they shook our hands and Taehyung turned to the helicopter pilot, asking him to fly to the nearest airport and he would call him when and if we were leaving this day...I still had no idea where Taehyung would sleep if we stayed over, I suppose we could stay in my old house...but only time would tell...If I could take my son via helicopter home with me I would do.

The consultant introduced himself as Doctor Peeking, and the nurse introduced herself as Mrs Cherry, They already knew who I was as Steve had informed them we were on our way.

I was nervous to see him again, especially since our phone call when I was in hospital, but I was here for my son, not him.

We were led to an elevator and stepped inside, going down the five floors to the recovery unit. I could feel Tae's eyes on me but I was too focused to look at him, he must be worried about me.

The consultant was telling me about my sons injuries as we went and my chest tightened when I learned how badly he had been hurt...One cracked rib, leg broke in two places, bang to the head...I felt dizzy just hearing this.

We reached my son's room and the consultant opened the door, as he did Steve stood and looked at me, but my eyes were only on my son.

I rushed over to him seeing for myself his injuries, my heart hurting at the sight of his sleeping frame. I felt dizzy and swayed, both Tae' and my ex made a move to me, but Taehyung was closer and he steadied me, while Steve passed his chair to me to sit on. I nodded my thanks to them both them looked at my son again.

Reaching my good hand out to his face I stroked his cheeks, saddened at how cold he was. Taehyung stood back and let me have my time with my boy while Steve looked from Taehyung to me.

He walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked up at the man I had loved for twenty years, then back to my son. He began to mumble and I stood and held his hand while I looked into his scared face.

"Sam? Mum's here, open your eyes baby."

At the sound of my voice my son opened his eyes and smiled at me.


"Yes, son, I'm here, how are you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a car." He snorted, and I chuckled.

"So not funny superman...what happened, you're usually so careful..."

"I don't know mum, it happened so fast, I looked both ways and stepped out, then the next thing I know I'm flying in the air, my body hurting..."

I looked at Steve.

"Have they caught anyone for this? Is there CCTV footage near the accident scene?"

"They haven't got any leads yet, unfortunately Sam doesn't remember anything other than it was a red, big car."

"A big a range rover or something?" I asked him.

"We don't know, the damage to his head should heal in time and until it does we have to for CCTV the police are working on it."

I nodded and turned back to Sam.

"Does Liz know?"

He shook his head slowly.

"Why not son, she should know..."

"I don't want her seeing me like this mum."

"She's going to find out soon enough, do you want me to call her?"

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