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I never slept that night, I spent the night cuddled up to my eldest girl, trying to spend as much time as possible with her before she left me for lord knew how long...I understood that she needed to complete her work but it wouldn't stop me missing her.

At around 4am she peeled herself away from me and stood stretching. She smiled down at me still wrapped in my covers, and yawned.

"I better get ready, gonna have a shower."

I nodded and stood myself. She left to her room and I walked over to mine, opening the door quietly as to not disturb 'Hyun who was sleeping in my bed...I hoped he didn't mind me staying with my daughter the whole night, or the fact that I had made him go to bed and sleep...him being mentally and physically tired after the last 24 hours.

As I walked over to my bed and looked down on him, my heart had I gotten so lucky to have this gorgeous man to call my own...I just couldn't understand why he loved me.

Shaking my head I gathered some clothes and clean underwear and decided to go to the visitor's bathroom to shower as to not wake peaceful as he looked.

Once showered I dressed and dried my hair and brushed my teeth. Then left the bathroom and into the vision of Peyton, she looked at me confused.

"Mum, why are you changed...where are you going?"

"I'm taking you to the airport, silly." I answered confused at her confusion.

"No. I already arranged a taxi, you can't take me in your condition..."

"...My condition?" I asked sighing. "I'm pregnant not dying Pey'"

"I meant with both your arms injured...what if you have an accident there or back, and you haven't slept...."

"Pey' I have had worse injuries and still been able to drive...cancel the taxi, I want to see my girl off."

"But mum..."

"Exactly...I'm your mum and I WILL pull rank if you continue being a brat, I'm taking you and that's that."

She didn't answer but her mouth was hung open at my words, until I grinned and she smiled.

"You still got that mothers tone I see, my new baby sister will be scared."

I gasped and held my stomach.

"Are you saying I'll scare my baby?"

"Yes..." She smirked.

We stood staring at each other then burst out laughing, and I opened my arms for her, she embraced me.

"I'm going to miss you mum, maybe I can come back once Uni' is over?"

"You better...and I'll look into a good position for you in my company..."

"Yes...but mum..."

I stood back and looked at her.

"I would like my own place too, I can't go back to living with you, no matter how much I love you, I've gotten used to my own space, and there is also Ruby..."

I eyed her, I had forgotten about my daughter's girlfriend.

"Could she move with you...she's a biologist right? I could look into work for her too."

Peyton smiled and nodded.

"I'll talk to her about it mum."

I nodded and let her go.

"Talk to her, you could both stay here until you found somewhere to live?"

"You don't mind?"

"No, of course not baby girl, I want you happy...but remember mum is always your home ok, no matter where I am."

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