Changes (Smut)

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"This unit has everything your current apartment still has four bedrooms but it also has a studio...that can be used as a dance studio or anything you want to make of it's the top floor of the complex it also has an extra adage of its own rooftop garden...the rent for this is only an extra 2279089.50 won (£1500)"

I was impressed and looked over at 'Hyun who was smiling whilst examining the unit...I was sold, and I turned to the manager and nodded.

"We'll take it."

The manager beamed and held his hand out...I shook it, and he offered his hand to 'Hyun, who shook it too.

"Fantastic...if you come by the office, we can sign the papers and I'll hand over the codes...I hope you'll be happy here." He nodded and bowed and motioned to the door of the large unit.

Back in my apartment later I looked around...I had so many good memories here but I was happy to be moving on with my life...moving in with someone again who I loved, making the new place our own...I couldn't wait and already started making plans for who would do what in the packing department...The new apartment had the usual, beds, dressers and such, but all the things I had acquired for my new place wouldn't fill the new place...although I was excited hugely for the studio and rooftop garden...

'Hyun and I had arranged to meet with the manager of the apartments the next morning...and had agreed to pack and be moved in within the week...The packing wasn't too bad as when we arrived we hadn't bought much furniture...the most we would be taking would be our sofas...the new table and a few sideboards. All that would be needed then is to clean our old apartment and we would be finished and could move on with the next chapter of our lives.

Of course we would have to pack up 'Hyun's old place too, and he would be bringing his stuff over soon after we moved in...I was excited to help him with that...but he had told me I wasn't to lift anything and let him do the hard work...I beamed at how overprotective he was.

It had only been two weeks since we had agreed to move in and he had been smiling non-stop at the thought of spending our lives together with our baby and Piper, and quite frankly I was excited for that too.

Piper arrived home from Uni' later that day and we told her together about the new place...same as myself she was excited to see the garden and the studio and I even joked that the boys could use it for dance practice...I was hugely happy.

Later that night my phone rang and I eagerly picked it up when I saw who was calling. 'Hyun was sat beside me, on the sofa cuddling up to me after a hard day of packing up both our places. He had gone for a few hours after Piper got home and started packing a few things, but had returned within two hours. The phone went on to speakerphone... 'Hyun was watching me...he loved when I talked to people I knew back home, said my eyes would light up.

"Hi are you guys?"

"We are ok shay' how's everything in Korea?"

"It's good...I looked at a new apartment today..."

"A new apartment? What's wrong with the one you're in now? Is it damp? Dangerous..."

I giggled, she was her usual worried self...a trait in the women of my family.

"No mummzy...I have news...I'm sorry I've not rang but work has been hectic and looking for our new place..."

"...Our new place?" She questioned.

I smiled she didn't miss anything this woman.

"Don't tell me you're moving in with 'Hyun...When did this happen?"

"We are mum...we love each other and this is the natural step for us...we wanted to choose somewhere together...and the new place is amazing mum, it even has a rooftop garden..."

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