New beginings

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The next day I woke up feeling groggy...My head was killing me and I still felt extremely sore down there. But I was still happy as I would be going to see my babies today...but first I would get some painkillers as my head and stomach were killing me.

I looked around and realized I was alone, I frowned...Where was 'Hyun? Was he still with our babies, then I looked at my watch and realized it was very early. He was most likely at home catching some sleep, I smiled, he had been amazing the day before, said the right words after the birth and made me feel appreciated. I loved that about him, he was devoted to me, and I knew he would make a great dad, should our babies thrive and grow well.

This made me think about them, I prayed they made it through this, they had been born very early and their bodies would struggle.

A knock came on my door and I called a soft 'Come in'. The door opened and a kind nurse I had come to like a lot entered the room. She smiled as she saw me and walked over, taking my hand in hers when she reached me.

"Good morning Mrs. Kim, how are you feeling this morning?"

I grinned at her broken English, she was cute.

"I'm generally good Eon-Soo. But still feel a little rough, seeing my babies soon is making me happy though...did they have a good night? Do you know?"

She smiled kindly and nodded.

"I checked on them before visiting you, they had a very good night, they are tiny soldiers." She grinned, infecting me and I smiled back at her.

"Does that mean I can hold them today?"

She smiled and nodded.

"I can't see that being a problem...their weights are good too, for triplets, both girls were 3.7 pounds and your son was 3.10 pounds...for three babies that is amazing."

"And at 25 weeks gestation too...although I wish I could have gone know."

She nodded.

"That's normal...but you have twins so you knew it was a possibility."

I nodded, she was right.

"Do you have names for them yet?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Honestly, I hadn't thought that far ahead. But I think 'Hyun has some ideas...I'll talk to him when he comes back to the hospital..."

"Oh he's already here, I found him sleeping in a chair next to the incubator...he went there after he checked on you last...he's been going between you and them all night." She grinned at me. "He's going to be so devoted to all of you, I can see it."

My heart burst, how tired must he be to sleep in a chair, and these hospital chairs weren't very comfortable. I turned to Eon-Soo.

"Could you tell him I want to see him please Eon-Soo?"

She smiled at me and nodded.

"I'll go now and wake him."

I nodded and she squeezed my hand before turning and leaving the room.

My thoughts turned to my husband, had he had a decent night's sleep at all...I wasn't happy about that, he needed a warm bed and a number of hours uninterrupted sleep or he would become poorly, and I couldn't allow that...not my rock. I would have to force him to sleep...and eat, I wondered if he'd eaten anything at all.

I was mulling over these things when my door opened and the very person I was thinking about stepped into the room, I couldn't help but feel worried when I saw him and tapped my bed wanting him to climb up.

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