Home For Good (smut)

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(A/N) I'm back peeps...after a while of writers block I have re-read my story and wrote another chapter for my purples...this chapter comes to you happily...please read and review....and vote :p love you all Borahae xxxx

I received a call from the doctor two mornings after I collapsed telling me the blood results had come back clear, and our children could be taken home that day...I was excited and rushed to tell 'Hyun who had been preparing me some breakfast.

He saw me rushing over and his face showed immediate concern, he rushed towards me.

"What is it? What's happened?"

I cooed at his concerned face but smiled widely.

"Today's the day...they can come home."

His face broke into a huge grin and he pulled me into a hug. He soon pushed me back gently and looked at me smiling.

"Go shower...and be quick, once you have eaten we'll go pick them up...be careful of your head though."

I grinned and nodded, and kissed him before turning and rushing back to our en-suite. I picked out some clothes and clean underwear, then walked into the bathroom, stripping out of my clothes and climbing under the water...I avoided getting my head wet, and only dunked my head under the water to wet my hair...I couldn't wait to be able to wash it properly...I knew my wound was on my forehead but I still struggled washing my hair without the water running down my face.

After washing I climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel round my now slimmer body...I was happy, breastfeeding had given me back my shape and I only sported a tiny bump now...but even that looked smaller than a few days ago.

I dressed and walked out of my room, when I got a video call. I smiled at the caller.

"Hey baby girl." I said and I heard a loud gasp.

"Mum what happened?"

I smiled at my daughter showing I wasn't hurt...I really wasn't, it stung every now and then, but it didn't hurt a lot anymore.

"What...this?" I said pointing to my head. "It's just a bang...nothing serious..."

"How did it happen mum?" Peyton pushed.

"It was my own fault Pey', I wasn't eating too good and I fainted...I just happened to bang my head as I went down...It's nothing serious baby girl...don't worry."

"Mum...you need to eat...you're feeding three babies as well as yourself...stop trying to get in shape and take care of yourself..."

"I told her the same thing." 'Hyun's voice broke into our conversation as he wrapped his arm around me. "Hey Peyton...you doing ok?"

I saw my girl smile at him and nod.

"I'm ok...and 'Hyun look after her for me will you?"

He smiled and nodded, as he pulled me towards the kitchen...I just giggled and allowed him too. He sat me down at the counter and pointed to a plate of pancakes and said one simple word "Eat".

I giggled and looked at Peyton.

"See, I got him well trained." She giggled and 'Hyun smiled at me.

I began tucking into the food and smiled at 'Hyun, his pancakes were always amazing.

"Hmmm, good cook as well as good looking."

He beamed at me but I heard Peyton groaning.

"Enough with the PDA mum, act your age."

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