Chapter 11 the argument

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                 * Robin pulls Finn into the kitchen*

R: what's up?

F: I just don't want you hurting Y/n, I know what your like

R: wait. what! you made this stupid bet and now your worried about me hurting her!

F: well after I saw what you did to o/g. yeah I'm worried

R: well don't be!

*Robin walks out, you go after him*

Y: Robin come back it's freezing!

* you run up to him*

Y: why do you always slam the door 

R: just leave me alone y/n...

Y: why

*you grab his arm trying to pull him*

Y: come inside I'm cold

R: you go inside then bitch!

Y: someones moody

R: shut the fuck up before I give you a black eye!

*suddenly Vance comes from behind you*

V: what did you just say 

R: not you too *Robin sighs* 

*Vance punches Robin but robin stays on his feet mouth covered in blood*

Y: guys.

* they start to fight*

Y: I'll leave you to it then.

*you go back to Finney*

F: did Robin go

Y: no he's having a fight with Vance 

F: wait! y/n don't you care!

Y: I do it's just...

F: just what!

Y: if I even bother to do anything I'll get punched in the face

F: well you've got punched in the face before 

Y: what the fuck does that mean?!

I hate you! *But fuck I love you* -????Where stories live. Discover now