Chapter 15 hey Vance

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F: shit robin what happened to your face?!

R: Vance. 

*Robin looks at you and you look at the floor*

F: guys come in 

*Finney drags both of you inside*

Y: I mean do you know how Robin's hurt and he can't move that well can we watch a movie?

F&R: sure

Y: where's Gwen

F: I don't know I think she's at Suzie's

Y: okay how about we watch chainsaw massacre then

R: I'm up for that

F: it's a R we would get in so much trouble with my dad

Y: your dad's not here though please 

F: fine.

                               * Where you all are sitting           ROBIN | YOU | FINNEY*

* Finney pauses the movie*

F: wait. y/n don't you have to hang out with Vance

Y: yeah but... he won't mind 

* Actually, Vance would mind very much but you know i like this better*

*Robin looks at you and whispers*

R: go hang out with him and we'll wait for you

Y: promise.

R: promise 

Y: thanks 


Y: actually, I'll go talk to him, so he isn't waiting 

F: okay! we'll wait I've got to talk to Robin anyways

Y: okay!

                       *You leave and shut the door your kind of nervous*

V: hey y/n! I thought you weren't going to come for a second 

Y: hey Vance.

                                                  *You and Vance hang out*

                                                              *Finney and Robin*

R: so, Finney what did you want to talk about?

F: why are you telling y/n to hang out with Vance if you want to win the bet 

R: so, then she knows I'm her friend 

F: oh, that makes sense 

                                                                      * You and Vance*

Y: hey Vance 

V: yeah

Y: why did you hurt Robin

V: because he said he was going to hit you

Y: he was just mad...

V: so, what if he did hit you

Y: he wouldn't 

V: what is he like your friend you didn't like each other a month ago!

Y: yeah, well maybe he is my friend what are you going to do about it!

                                  *You walk away, tears in your eyes*

*You run into the house, slam Gwen's door and start to think about why you ever liked Vance*

R: maybe you should go and check on her

F: I'll be back soon

*Finney knocks on your door*

Y: what?

F: can I come in?

*You don't answer so Finney comes in anyway, as soon as he comes in you wrap your arms around him*

F: what happened

Y: Vance is a dick...

Y: Robin was right

F: Robin's never right

Y: he was this time 

F: let's go watch the movie we waited for you

Y: okay...

*You sit down next to Finney and Robin, and you lay your head on Finney's shoulder*

*All of you soon fall asleep as the movie ends. suddenly you hear the door close*

Y: Gwen?

I hate you! *But fuck I love you* -????Where stories live. Discover now