Chapter 38 the end

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Robin and y/n are much different but so alike, maybe they actually fought people because they were talking shit about the other person nobody will know. It will stand a mystery till; we all die. I guess it's the differences that make a couple but as I said before they were so alike, y/n and Robin had entirely the same heart they would only fight to defend  the people they loved. So...did they defend each other?That's the question Finney asked himself the day when Robin fought Moose, Gwen asked the same question out loud but all she got was "I don't know" from both people.

Isn't there always supposed to be a Fighter and Lover or can there be only one for each people or maybe y/n and Robin were fighters and lovers maybe that's why they got along so well. Their hearts were made for each other, and they knew that since the start of this story, but they just didn't want to believe it.

Maybe I should use the past tense now I'm not sure. This story was made before everything happened, the grabber didn't exist well, he did but only two boys were taken, and it happened very slowly. I think I can remember the boys names now Griffin Staggs and Billy Showalter, poor boys they were only young but so was Robin...

When Robin got taken. It broke y/n's heart she cried for days, you may think that's pathetic but its really not Robin was the only one who protected her, not that she couldn't protect herself he just made her feel safe. Safer. She could sleep easily with him by her side but without him let's just say it was difficult very difficult.

Finney survived which y/n is very happy about, but I don't know y/n hasn't been herself since Robin went, which obviously was expected, although what would've happened if y/n didn't cry. would've that been okay?

Soon enough y/n started to improve she said she talked to Robin although only Finney believed her, a couple months later she was gone. dead. she wasn't thinking about Finney or Gwen because they had each other, right? all she was thinking about was Robin. Robin. Robin. Robin. nobody else but Robin. yes, they were young, but they were in love and love is the most powerful thing in the world. I mean that's what everybody else says right.

A/n: it's the end <3 hope you loved the book make sure to leave a comment on this chapter

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