Chapter 27 wait y/n.

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*Robin walks away*

Y: are you that pissed off! fuck you!

R: Yo también te quiero!

Y: what.

R: I hate you too, asshole

*You and Robin walk away smiling, you run to finneys bedroom*

Y: hey Finn!

F: what's up

Y: can you speak Spanish?

F: no why

Y: no reason

F: Robin can speak Spanish why don't you ask him

Y: I- it's fine it wasn't important

F: okay then.

Y: what don't you believe me!

F: I-

*Robin comes in*

F: hey Robin, y/n wants to know something in Spanish

R: well, what do you want to know

Y: it's not important

R: okay

Y: Gwenny! want to watch a movie with me!

G: sure! not scary though...

Y: I'm not up for a scary movie anyways

R: wait y/n.

*You walk away before Robin can say anything, you and Gwen sit down to watch the movie*

G: what movie are we watching

Y: (A/n: you chose) Willy and the chocolate factory or Grease

G: I haven't watched that... It's not scary is it

I hate you! *But fuck I love you* -????Where stories live. Discover now