Chapter 17 wait.

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*Robin lets go*

R: you shouldn't be scared of Vance

Y: I'm not...

*Robin looks at you his eyes filled with sarcasm*

R: sure.

Y: I'm not!

R: mhm

*Robins walking away faster than usual so you kind of jog to get to him, as you get to him and slow down, he's far away again*

your thoughts: do you know what fuck it

*You grab on to Robins hand causing him to slow down so you two are walking in the same pace*

R: so, what are we just holding hands now

Y: no, you just walk to fast

R: sure, maybe you just secretly like holding my hand

Y: shut up! and no I do not

R: If only I could read you mind right now

*To be honest your thoughts were everywhere, did you like holding hand with Robin? What if you have a crush on Robin? I mean he did protect you before, maybe you should tell him about Vance, no! because what happens if Robin doesn't believe me and hates me after. *

R: y/n

R: are you okay???

Y: oh, um yeah, I'm fine

R: you always black out, what's so Important in your mind now

Y: nothing I'm just thinking if we have homework

R: do we

Y: I don't think so

R: okay well anyways we better get back to Finney's house now

Y: can we find those girls tomorrow

R: I'll find the girls tomorrow and talk to them, okay?

Y: what about o/g she'll be pissed if she knows your talking to other girls

R: I broke up with her

Y: What! why!

R: because I wanted to talk to you...

*This makes you feel weird, and I mean weird, you think Robin notices it because he instantly says sorry*

Y: you don't need to be sorry I mean you said what you were thinking I could never do that.

R: why don't you say what you're thinking now

Y: umm- aren't we supposed to get back now

R: come on y/n

Y: what

R: you know what, you never tell me anything!

R: wait.

Y: what

R: do you like Finney

Y: what no!

R: I mean it would explain why you don't want to tell me

Y: I don't like Finney Hes like a brother to me

R: yeah, yeah whatever

Y: Robin!

R: y/n!

your thoughts: why does he do that I mean it's kind of cute, wait! I can't like Robin! He likes Donna or something definitly not me

I hate you! *But fuck I love you* -????Where stories live. Discover now