Chapter 3

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Sure enough, Steve's father's lawyer was able to get Eddie house arrest (ankle bracelet included) while he awaited his trial. Which could take several weeks to come to court. Eddie just wanted it all over with.

"Thank you, Mr. Walters." Eddie shook the lawyer's hand. Steve did the same.

"I believe in your innocence, Eddie. Don't worry. We're going to get you through this." Walters assured Eddie.

Eddie nodded and waved goodbye as he and Steve left. Steve had driven his car separately so they'd be able to get home after everything at the station.

"I'm starving. Let's grab a bite." Steve grinned, sliding into the driver's seat.

Eddie carefully lowered himself into the car. "I don't think that's part of house arrest."

"So we'll take it to-go." Steve shrugged.

The two closed their doors and Steve drove off towards the town's little mom and pop diner.

Eddie stayed in the car while Steve went inside and got their food.

Once back in the car, Steve handed the food to Eddie to hold on the way home.

"Tomorrow I can go to your place and pick up some more stuff for you. Toothbrush. Clothes. Etcetera." Steve explained as he drove to his place.

"Thanks." Eddie wasn't his usual charismatic, flirty self. He was exhausted after dealing with cops all day.

They pulled up to Steve's house and got out, heading inside.

The men ate in silence, too busy enjoying their food. Eddie got a burger while Steve had ordered breakfast food, French toast.

Once done, Steve cleaned up the garbage and tossed it, helping Eddie up the stairs to his room.

"You should lay down." Steve encouraged.

"I should take more painkillers is what I should do." Eddie held back a laugh because he knew it would hurt his stomach.

"That too." Steve chuckled, walking Eddie into his room and lowering him onto the bed. They each removed their shoes.

Steve shut the door, going around to lay on the other side of his bed. "I think I'll take a nap too, while I'm at it. If you don't mind." He looked at Eddie for permission. "I could sleep on the couch." He offered.

Eddie shook his head. "No, I think your queen sized bed is big enough for the both of us." He let himself laugh softly.

Steve nodded, laying there, facing Eddie. He wanted to say something, but he wasn't sure what.

Eddie stared back at Steve for a moment before letting his eyes close. Steve watched Eddie as he fell asleep, watched his eyes move under his lids, watched his lips part as he began to breathe through his mouth.

Once Eddie's breathing evened and he was surely asleep, Steve was able to find peace. He closed his eyes, too, rolling onto his back and pulling his comforter up over the two of them.


Steve was the first to wake after three and a half hours. He certainly didn't mean to sleep that long, but he probably needed it. He looked over at his clock. 4:51pm. Not too late. Almost time for dinner, Steve thought.

He looked over at Eddie, who was still sound asleep, and smiled. He got up carefully, trying not to wake the other man.

Steve went downstairs and raided the kitchen for something he could make. He wasn't a chef by any means, but he could throw a couple different meals together. He wanted to make something for the gesture of it, rather than how good it may taste. He hoped it tasted good, anyways.

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