Chapter 8

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The group entered the courthouse, looking like they were in a movie. Sun shining as double doors swung open, everyone looking important as they walked in.

Steve asked the secretary which courtroom the Hawkins v Munson case was taking place before thanking her and leading the group there. "Kids. Stay out here. I'm gonna go and see if they'll allow us to sit in."

Steve opened the door as quietly possible and slipped inside. The officer next to the door perked up. "Can I help you?" The officer whispered.

Steve looked around, the seats all empty besides the lawyers and Eddie up front. "Uh, was hoping to sit in on this trial." Steve whispered back.

"This is a closed trial. Sorry." The officer shrugged.

Steve nodded, taking a look at Eddie before walking back out to the rest of the gang. "He said it's a closed trial."

The group scoffed and rolled their eyes. "We should be able to sit in and support him." Robin spoke.

"I know. This is bullshit." Mike shook his head.

"Total bullshit." Dustin agreed.

"The best we can do is sit out here and be here for him when it's over. And remember, it could take days for the jurors to decide." Steve reminded them all.

They sat there for a good three hours before the doors opened and Eddie walked out, in cuffs. Steve's stomach dropped.

"We're on lunch." Mr. Walters, Eddie's lawyer, reassured them all. "This is procedure."

Steve took a deep breath. "Oh thank god." He whispered to himself.

Eddie looked at Steve with love in his eyes, grateful that he, and everyone, was so concerned for him.

"We have an hour." Walters informed the group.

"Let's order pizza again." Mike suggested.

"We can't order pizza to a courthouse... Can we order pizza to a courthouse?" Steve doubled back, wondering.

"I don't see why not." Lucas spoke up.

Walters nodded. "I'll order it. Please, stay here." He firmly suggested, walking off.

Eddie sat down on the bench next to Steve. "Hey."

"Hey, you." Steve smiled at him. "How's it going in there?"

"They're presenting evidence and shit. Steve, they've made a good case against me." Eddie sighed, barely holding himself together.

Steve put an arm around Eddie's shoulders. "It's gonna be okay. Maybe they'll offer a plea bargain. I don't know. But whatever happens, we'll figure it out."

Eddie nodded, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

A half hour later, Walters returned with several pizzas. "There's so many of you..." he whispered. He spoke up, "Come on, there's a lunchroom back here."

The group got up and followed Mr. Walters to a small, but comfy lunchroom. They chatted amongst each other as they ate, but Steve and Eddie were rather quiet next to each other. Both of them most worried about what might happen.

Steve nudged Eddie's knee with his own. "Love you, Eds."

"Love you, Steve."

The use of his actual name was almost sweeter to Steve than the use of his nickname, Stevie, because Eddie used it so rarely now.

Mr. Walters stood, facing Eddie. "Time to get back."

Eddie nodded, stuffing the last bite of his crust into his mouth as he stood up. He gave Steve a longing look before he followed Walters out of the room.

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