Chapter 4

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TW: Mentions of painkillers and their effects

The next day, Eddie was the first to wake. His eyes opened slowly, noticing Steve's tv was lit up blue, the VHS halfway popped out of the VCR. He noticed he was half on top of Steve, head resting on the man's shoulder. Eddie slowly got off of him and snuck to the bathroom to relieve his bladder.

When he returned, Steve was awake, still just laying there.

"Morning, Munson." Steve smiled tiredly at Eddie.

"Morning." Eddie replied, crawling back into the bed. "Was half thinking about going back to sleep, but... I need to call my uncle."

"Oh shit. Yeah. He's probably worried sick." Steve leaned up on one elbow.

"Yeah." Eddie bit his lip, worried.

"I'll help you downstairs." Steve got up, stretching before walking around the bed and offering a hand to Eddie.

Eddie took it happily, letting Steve lead him to the stairs. They took the steps slowly, hand in hand.

Once at the bottom, Steve pointed. "Phone's in the kitchen. I'll give you some privacy." He smiled and walked away to the living room.

Eddie went to the kitchen and dialed his uncle's work number, knowing he'd be getting off shift soon. It was nearly 8am.

Steve couldn't hear much from the other room besides Eddie saying hello excitedly. He had a great relationship with his uncle. Something better than Steve would ever have with either of his parents. He tried not to think too long about it, thankful that Eddie came into the room a few moments later.

"I told him everything that's going on. Besides the, you know, Vecna and Upside Down stuff." Eddie shrugged, half smiling.

"Yeah. Obviously." Steve laughed a little.

"What do you wanna do today?" Eddie asked, leaning against the doorway of the living room.

Steve shrugged. "Well, you're currently restricted to this house. I need to go by your trailer and pick up some of your stuff if the government hasn't hauled it away already."

Eddie nodded. "Right." He shook his ankle. "House arrest. Great." He sighed.

"Don't worry, I've got plenty of movies to get you through the week. I do have work later this week but I figure hopefully you'll be a little more independent by then. If not, I'll take a couple days off." Steve explained.

"You don't have to do that." Eddie shook his head.

"It's okay. I promise." Steve reassured him.

Eddie walked over and sat down on the couch next to Steve. He leaned his head on Steve's shoulder like he'd done the night before (he wasn't actually sleeping when he did so). "Thank you, Steve. For everything."

"Are we on a first name basis now?" Steve asked, almost a little surprised as he laughed.

"I mean it. And yes, first name basis. I think we know each other well enough." Eddie snorted a laugh.

"Great." Steve smiled, patting Eddie's knee.

"You know, we could go back to sleep now that you've called your uncle." Steve pointed out.

Eddie nodded against Steve's shoulder. "This is true. But I don't know if I have the energy to go back upstairs and I need more medicine."

"I'll grab it." Steve pushed himself to stand, one hand on Eddie's knee as he did so.

Steve ran upstairs and grabbed two pills, coming back downstairs with a glass of water in hand.

Eddie took his medicine, hoping it would kick in quick. He needed some weed, too. God, if he wasn't being monitored he'd call his supplier.

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