Chapter 9

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Steve woke up sweating, having had a short nightmare about Eddie being found guilty.

He took a deep breath as he looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. He was okay. Eddie was still innocent.

He got up and walked to the bathroom, starting the shower after he closed the door. He needed a long, extra hot shower to wash off his anxiety.

Steve stepped into the stream of water, body immediately relaxing. He let out a long exhale and leaned back, letting the water run over his face.

He washed his hair and body, turning off the water once he'd finished. He wished he could stay in there and hide from reality.

Steve got dressed quickly, knowing he took too long in the shower. He walked out the door with his keys and got in his car.

Each thing he did felt like it was more effort than normal. Like he had to push harder to get through today compared to other days.

He started the car and drove to the courthouse, finding the courtroom again and sitting outside it.

He had to think about something else or his head was going to explode. He didn't feel good.

Two officers came down the hallway, Eddie right behind them. Steve stood up and he and Eddie exchanged a worried look as Eddie followed the officers into the courtroom.

Yeah. Steve was gonna be sick.

He got up and ran to the bathroom, barely able to get in a stall before he was puking over the toilet. "Fuck." He cursed to himself, using some toilet paper to wipe his face.

Not much came out, Steve realized he'd forgotten to eat breakfast in his rush to the courthouse.

He flushed the toilet and walked out to the sinks, leaning against the counter on his hands as he looked in the mirror. He sighed. "It's gonna be okay." He tried to reassure himself, glad he was alone in the bathroom.

He leaned over the sink and turned it on, cupping his hand and drinking some water to rinse his mouth out.

Steve stood up, took one last look in the mirror, and walked back out.

It was a long three hours before the doors opened.

Eddie came running out, wrists free of handcuffs. He was smiling, tears running down his face.

"Not guilty!" Eddie cried, running to Steve and wrapping him in the tightest hug he could.

Steve laughed with joy and tears formed in his eyes. He held onto Eddie with all he had, never wanting to let him go.

Eddie eventually pulled out of the hug and wiped at his face.

Steve just smiled, "Let's get out of here."

Eddie nodded in agreement.

The two left the courthouse, feeling free, happy, and in love.

Once in the car, Steve looked around the parking lot and leaned over to kiss Eddie after seeing the lot was mostly free of people.

Eddie smiled into the kiss, holding Steve's face for a moment.

"Let's celebrate." Steve insisted. "You, me, Robin, and Nancy. Huh?"

"Sounds great." Eddie grinned and sat back, pulling his seatbelt on.

The drive back to Steve's was short, and as soon as they walked through the door, the phone was ringing.

Steve ran to answer it in the kitchen, "Hello?"

"Hey! What's going on with Eddie? Is he okay? I've been calling all morning!" Robin spoke on the other line.

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