Chapter 5

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Steve and Eddie were woken by the phone ringing. Steve reached over and picked up the phone next to the couch. "Hello?"

"Is Eddie Munson there?" Chief Powell was the one calling.

"Yeah. One sec." Steve handed the phone to Eddie. "Chief Powell." He whispered.

Eddie took the phone, still leaned up against Steve. "This is Eddie Munson."

"Eddie. Your trial will begin this coming Monday. That's in two days. Understand?"

"Jesus. So soon?" Eddie sat up.

"They were able to get jurors surprisingly fast."

"O- okay." Eddie nodded.

"Wear something presentable. Don't make an ass of yourself." Chief Powell gave Eddie some advice.

"Yes sir." Eddie sighed.

"We'll pick you up Monday morning. Steve Harrington's residence, correct?"


Chief Powell took a breath. "Good luck, son. Bye bye."

"Bye." Eddie handed the phone back to Steve.

Steve took it and hung it up. "Well?"

"Trial starts Monday." Eddie stared at the floor, stomach churning.

"Holy shit. That was quick." Steve looked at him, surprised.

"I know." Eddie spoke in disbelief.

"Hey," Steve tilted Eddie's chin up so they were eye to eye. "Remember, we're all here for you."

Eddie looked at Steve for a long moment. "Okay." He smiled weakly. "Thank you." He leaned in and hugged Steve.

Steve hugged back, butterflies in his stomach. He held onto Eddie tightly, like he was scared of the man floating away. "It's all gonna be okay." Steve spoke into Eddie's shoulder.

Eddie began to cry. Not hard, but just enough for Steve to notice. Steve rubbed Eddie's back, scooting closer. "I promise." Steve whispered.

Eddie sniffled and nodded, face buried in Steve's neck. Steve felt tingly. He set the feeling aside for the time being.

Eddie pulled back, looking into Steve's eyes.

Steve gave a look of sympathy.

Eddie gave a half smile and rubbed his eyes. "Let's- let's put on a movie."

Steve nodded, getting up and grabbing a tape from the cabinet. "How about Ghostbusters?"

"Sure." Eddie nodded, still half smiling.

Steve put the tape into the VCR and hit play. "I'll make some breakfast. Cereal?"

Eddie just nodded in response, arms around a pillow.

Steve walked to the kitchen and poured them each a bowl of cheerios. He returned quickly, smiling at Eddie as he handed him a bowl.

Eddie took it happily, munching on the cereal immediately.

Steve was going to make the next two days great for Eddie. He was confident that the lawyer was going to prove Eddie innocent but... there was always a chance.

Steve just wished Eddie wasn't on house arrest. But the weather was nice, Eddie's ankle monitor was waterproof, maybe they could have some fun in the pool. Throw a little party.

Yeah. That's what Steve would do. He'd invite Robin and Nancy and the kids over for a pool party. A surprise pool party.

He had to work later today, he'd make the calls while he was there so that Eddie didn't hear.

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