Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Previously on love is Stronger Than Blood:

"Wait................ What!?" "Yes, the demon is an actual pig. A perverted one at that." If it's him, he's so dead........."Hello sir" a voice said. I looked behind me to see 2 people standing there.

I see a young monk who looks no older than 18 standing with his hands in an upward position "I want to ask for supplies and to help with any problems" Tripitaka says with a gentle voice. "Of course monk by all means," the patriarch said. "This young lady wants to help as well," He points to me "Hello My Chinese name is Hong Li and my western name is Roxlyn but you can call me Roxie," I say with a smile waving at them. "A Pleasure to meet you My name is Tripitaka and this is my companion and disciple Sun WuKong" "Sun Wukong? As in the Legendary Monkey King who is an all-around badass and has an awesome staff called the Ryuu Ku Jing Bang?" I say excitedly. "Heh. I see my reputation proceeds me and speaks for itself." A voice says as I feel a tail wrapped around my waist and pull me to the voice. I feel myself hit what felt like a brick wall, with fur? I opened my eyes to see golden ones staring right back at mine. "Hi there~," he said looking at me not letting me go. One glance is all it took. His eyes were golden with flames of determination and mischievousness. His hands were rough from all the times he had fought but with slender fingers along with black claws that can tear anything with one swipe. His Face had a peach-like Marking in a shape of a heart. Cute. Amazing body with muscles covered in scars from battles he fought. His fur was soft and fuzzy. OOOOOOOOOO I like fuzzy and soft things. He probably had a six or eight-pack sitting under his clothes. But the best part of it all was he smelt of freshly picked peaches. 'This man is So Dreamy~' I said lost in my thoughts about him. "Hey. Are you ok? You look red and dazed." Wukong said as he tries to get me to come back from Cloud 9. "Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Just that you are my Childhood hero and I didn't think you would look more handsome in person compared to the stories I was told as a cub and in the village either." I say getting out of my thoughts. "Well, I expected men to be fond of me, but for you to be fond of me, that means you know things you don't want others to know about. right? " he said. "In a way, yes," I say with confidence. "it's a pleasure to meet you Sun Wukong. I say while bowing to him trying to hide my red face. "it's a pleasure to meet you too, Princess~" He said chuckling deeply looking at me with his eyes aglow. 'God. His voice. I can't.' "Wait. How did you-" "A normal demon would have attacked first then talk plus the way you speaks spells royal to me," he said. Sun walked up to me not losing eye contact, gently grabs my hand, bowed, brings my hand to his soft, full lips, and places a gentle kiss on my hand while looking at me with playful eyes. I looked away with a red face. The Patriarch coughs and gets everyone's attention. I walk away from him and sit back down. 'Goodness this man. He's so handsome and sweet. I don't know what to do.' I say to myself as I cling over the spot my heart is. 'It's beating so fast and loud in my ears.' He sits next to me as the head monk explains the rest of the situation to the two men................

"Sooooooo, Question princess" Sun asks. "Yes?" I say while grabbing some clothes out of my bag to change into. "Do you know how to fight? I mean I know you are a demon. I just never seen a fox demon like you around and you're a princess, so I have my doubts about you." he poses the question I was expecting to hear. "I understand that I am a Princess and that does show concern, but I have been trained in close and far quarters combat, weapon use, and my elemental powers. But I can assure you that I will be fine but I do appreciate the concern Wukong," I say as I get out of the dressing room provided to me by the Patriarch's family "Besides, I have a personal vendetta against the pig demon in question. I just want my first few cracks at him." I said as I walked up to him with my fighting clothes on A blue halter top tunic with waves and embroidered water-like gems on the left side, bell sleeves from the forearm to the hands with waves on the ends, a band around the waist to tightly secure it in place, high slits going up to my hips, with metal fans, my family's sword at the hip, staff in my braided bun, with fingerless gloves, and blue flats to match. Wukong looks at her with amazing eyes. " Wow! You look too pretty to be fighting but still, you look awesome," he said as we begin to walk back to the main room to discuss the plan one last time for reassurance. I say as I look at him over my shoulder " That's the best part of being a princess of your kingdom. Looks can be very deceiving~" I smile as we continue walking. "Hmmmmmmmm~ How old are you anyway?" He looks at me. "I'm 23 in human years if that helps anything." I look at him with a straight face. "And you know how to fight? Did you ever go to war in your younger years? He asks. "Yes when I was 18 I went to my first war, I was one of the leading generals and we won, but I don't like the fact the Skunks went to war with my clan because I say won't marry their prince because he was a shallow man in every way possible and he was a spoiled brat who didn't know the outside world isn't always positive," I said as I grab my templates in irritation just by thinking about it. "Plus he won't marry any other woman but me. I refuse to be a concubine to that man." I said annoyed. Wukong burst out laughing " HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are you serious? That happened? Wow! So he won't take no for an answer huh?" "Not Unless I marry someone else and become Queen, Even when that happens, he will still pursue me until I say yes," I said to him. " Must be hard being a princess with all these suitors coming for your hand in marriage." He stated, "Believe me, you have NO IDEA how easy you got it Wukong." I said to him.

20 minutes later~

"So that's the plan huh?" I say as I stand up walk to a corner of the room and stretch out. I got down on all fours and stretch my back out not taking into consideration that there are men in the room. All I hear is this: "Well shit, I knew you were plump from the hips on down. This is a lot to handle but you know me I like a challenge~" I stop and get up and turned around to see a flustered Tripitaka, A happy but excited Sun Wukong with a blush on his face, and shocked expressions from everyone else in the room. "What?" I said "Nothing, It's just that you are more interesting than what I gave you credit for," Sun said with a smile. I then realized what I did and looked away embarrassed. but I regain my confidence and say "I get that I'm interesting, but there is no need to be so modest." I say while holding Sun's chin in my hand "Oh? Really? You're going to be playful with me? Remember that playing coy with me is bound to stir up trouble for you~" he looks at my small and wonders how someone so excited to meet suddenly have this confident aura around her. "Oh~I know." I look over my shoulder at him and say. "Well, it looks like I got luck on my side today. Not that I need it." He smirked as we walked towards the entrance to fight the pig demon. 'This will a fun journey after all" I thought to myself.

We reach the cave where the pig demon is residing. we walk in to find the place surprisingly clean and well furnished. "huh. for a pig demon you would think that his home would be full of bones and other things." I say as I am looking around the place. "Ugh, this is so stupid. Here Hold this." Sun hands me these papers we have to give to the demon saying that "once the old man's daughter is returned he has to leave and never come back." Sun runs around the place as I follow him from behind.


Here is Chapter 5 as promised

Believe me, I was so excited to write this chapter. Sorry that was a little short compared to the rest but I will try my best to keep it at 3k or less unless I wrote a lot So I recently found out some info that I had a feeling on and now the Green monster of Envy and the monster of loneliness have me in a chokehold My boyfriend got a job but he works in a warehouse so I'll get to see him on Fridays and Saturdays. He works all week from noon to nearly 2 am (sometimes the shift hours vary) The Monster of Loneliness has me missing every piece of him Anyway, So chapter 6 is where they will begin fighting the pig demon and get some backstory on him.

As Always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will stay tuned for more. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed this Chapter and many more and previous.

Stay Peachy ~


Love is Stronger Than Blood (Sun Wukong x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum