Chapter 11

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 Chapter 11

A Talk with Sandy

The group moves westward in confidence. Pigsy is upset by how Li is not listening to him and talking to their Master about what he thinks when it comes down to enlightenment, while Wukong is enjoying Pigsy's upset nature. The group stops to rest for a while before heading to the next town. When they stop they see a nearby temple that was abandoned. "Master we should seek shelter soon, I sense rain will be coming very soon," I say to Master. "Of course." He agreed. So we all started to walk to the temple. We saw that the doors to the entrance were broken apart. "Hm. Master, I think we need to be careful. because it looks like we could not be alone here." I tell him."I'm sure there is nothing wrong here," Master said. "Well, if you and Wukong don't mind can you fix the doors to the entrance, please? I'm sure whoever lives here will be thankful the doors were fixed." Master asked us "Well, I can spare some time and I can work in the rain anyway." Wukong said. "At least let me change clothes first since I don't want to get my princess clothes wet," I say as I go inside to put on a blue tunic, black leggings, and black flats. I come out to greet Wukong on his cloud relaxing. "Hey," I look at him. "Hey." So we grab all the pieces and began to weld the door together. "You have fire breath?" I ask looking at him surprised "There are a lot of things you don't know about me Princess~" he said slyly. "Now I'm curious as to what else you're hiding from me," I said looking at him smiling. we fix the doors and went inside as the rain began to fall...............

I sit on the wooden floor on a pillow I found in the temple looking at the rain in the garden. "I love the sound of rain it's so calming and peaceful" I smiled while looking up at the dark clouds. I lift my hand to touch the raindrops and a few of those drops stops in midair before forming into different shapes and sizes. I hear footsteps behind me. The footsteps stop as soon as I was in someone's line of view. "So there you are. I was looking for you. I was hoping we can talk about something." a rough but gentle voice said. "Hm? Oh, Hello Sandy." I said looking behind me and dropping the water to the ground. Sandy was leaning against the door. "May I sit?" Sandy asked. "Sure," I said patting a spot next to me. He sits next to me "So I'd like to ask you some questions if you're comfortable talking about the topic of discussion?" he asked gently. "It's fine, thank you for asking to see if I'm comfortable. So what is it that you would like to talk about?" I asked curiously about the topic he wants to discuss. "Is there a connection forming between you and Big brother?" he asked "HAH?! W-w-w-w-w-what do you mean?" I shouted blushing. "Well? you two have amazing chemistry and you feel very comfortable with him. And you say you met him a few days ago."He asked. "Well, I'm not sure myself really, but every time I'm around him I just feel my heart race, and when he gets close to me that I just have a hard speaking and blush real hard. I get butterflies when I hear his voice. But can you really blame me? He isn't called the Handsome Monkey King for nothing." (A/N: I mean she's not wrong. Seriously! Are you about to tell me that this monkey is not attractive as hell?! I mean look at the eyes and chiseled body.*squeals*. Okay let me stop having a fangirl attack) I stated in embarrassment. "*laughs* I can see that. But do you like him or love him?" He asked a question I wasn't ready to answer honestly. "I do like him. but that like is slowly turning into love. I know that he may not feel the same, but I would like for him to acknowledge the feelings rather than eject them completely." I said concerned for the future. "When the time is right, you'll know. when that happens don't be afraid to tell him and be open to any outcome or response he has to your confession." Sandy said smiling. As we were talking someone else responded the same way. "I may not understand love since I never experience it, But he is right. You need to tell him, so that way you'll feel better knowing he knows how you feel rather than not saying and regretting it." Master said. The demons both pause and look to see their master smiling and his hands in a praying position. "Come you two. It's time for dinner." Master said calmly. "OK," we said as we got up and followed him to the dining hall. "Can you guys keep a secret?" I ask. "Of course," they said. As they were walking, a certain pig was hiding in a corner and heard the whole conversation. "Hmmmmm," Pigsy said leaving for the dining hall. "I wonder if I can get her to fall in love with me with a potion I bought from the villager we saved." He said to himself snickering. We all gather at the table and sit to eat. Pigsy gets up to get "something" from his room. "Where are you going Porky?" Wukong said looking at him with squinted eyes. "Oh just to my room to get something. Don't start without me." Pigsy said as he ran to his room. He came back but he went to the kitchen instead through another hall. He saw the tea and pour the potion into one of the cups he believed to be Roxie's. "Now that monkey will never take my love away from me when she's under this spell," he said. He brought out the tea and set it in the middle of the room. we pray over the food grateful that we can eat this feast in the honor of the Buddha. We began to eat our food. We grabbed the tea cups and placed them right next to our plates. I grabbed my tea sniffing it in case something is wrong. I put it down and continue eating. 'Damn. Come on drink it, princess.' Pigsy said in thought seeing that I put the cup down. 'Something's wrong here.' Wukong looks at Pigsy concerned. Wukong saw that Pigsy was looking at Roxie's cup and then at her for 5 minutes. 'Wait is there something in that cup? If so, then Pigsy and I will need to have a talk later.' Wukong continued eating his fruit looking at Pigsy slightly angry. Pigsy asks a question that has everyone shocked and choking on their food. "So, Princess has anyone tried to seduce you into mating?" He asked trying to get her riled up. "What?!" I looked at him shocked. "No way! Other than the Ox King." I said. "Well, I proposed a competition with Monkey to see if you are as innocent as you say. So let's see who's the better flirt between us Monkey." he said smiling hiding his true intentions. 'Oh, God. Not Now! I just got done explaining myself to Sandy and I am still trying to calm down my already racing heart. If I hear anything else come out his mouth I think I'll faint.' I thought. "Seriously?!" Wukong and I say looking at him. "Loser sits through one of Master's lessons and does what the winner wants until we reach the next town. Are you in Wukong?" Pigsy asked. "There won't be a need for this at all guys." I say trying to stop them. "Hmmmmmm. I'll do it for two reasons: One: Just to prove I am better. Two: I am doing this just so you get the hint that she's not interested in you." Wukong said agreeing to the competition. "Oh Boy," I said drinking my tea unaware there is a love potion in the tea.

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