Short A/N (Updated)

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UPDATE: Chapter 13 of this story has been completed but not posted yet. I will need time to write Chapter 14  and type up both chapters, but believe me they will be here soon. So allow me two weeks to finish these, and I will have more content for you all. 

So for The other story, I'm writing: At the moment, I am still writing the prologue to it so I will have it posted as soon as possible. 

So I received another idea for another story. It will be a retelling of the classic tale of Cinderella but with the cast LMK Season 1-3. I'm still working out the storyline but need help developing a good title for it. So my comment and message box is always open to ideas, please don't be afraid to share them.

As always please let me know what you think of the story so far. As for anyone who is a fan of Macaque and others, don't worry I didn't forget about them. They will show in the chapters later. 

I have decided to write about the Heroine's encounter with the Skunk Prince, which I mentioned in Chapter 5. This piece will be lengthy just like Chapter 14. So Stay tuned.

Stay Peachy 


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