Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 

Lady Bone Demon (White Bone)

The Group continues their westward pilgrimage through what appears to be a valley with an ominous aura. We sensed the air and made our way out of the valley. The master's stomach begins to make its' presence known since he is human. "I'm Famished. Wukong, could you go find us some food? Please don't bring meat." Master said to him. "*sigh* If I must. Please stay here and I'll return with a feast." He said as he flew off in search of food for his companions. "Now then we shall wait for him to return with food," Master said while taking a seat on a flat rock and begins to meditate. "Finally, we can rest for a bit. My feet were killing me" Pigsy whined. "Well, it's nice to take a break," I said sitting down as well. Pigsy tries to sit next to me I push him away to an arm's distance. "Aw c'mon, princess. We have a chance to get close to each other. Surely you have thought about it with me in mind?" Pigsy asked. 'I did, just not with you' I thought. " In a way," I said to him. "But you are to sit an arm's distance from me," I tell him. "I take this as a blessing, your highness," he said as he obeyed my order. I started to meditate with Master as Sandy looked to the sky, and Pigsy looked at me with Heart eyes. 'Oh Brother, creepy much?' I thought to myself. Nearby a Demon sleeping in a cave. The demon awakens upon hearing loud sounds in the valley. She Walks out to see 3 demons, a monk, and a horse sitting down and taking a rest. she looks closely at the monk and realizes that the monk is the Golden Cicada. she then looks around as she comes up with a plan to kidnap the monk and gain immortality. She tries to fly in, but she notices the demons are close to him, so a fly-in attempt will not work so well. She backs away and asses the group thoroughly. "Hmmm, let's see.......*looks at Pigsy flirting* Maybe I can separate them from their master and grab him when no one is around. "Hm? "I said, feeling a strange presence watching us. I look at the sky and see a figure floating 'I know that's not Wukong, but the figure is giving an ominous aura so it's best to deal with it now.' I thought. I get up from my rock. I closed my eyes and put my hands together in a praying motion. I slowly separate my hands to reveal my water arrows and bow. I froze the arrows and bow. "Hm? Is there something wrong Li?" Master asked. "Oh, Nothing. I'm just bored and wanted to practice my aim." I said as I got ready to attack. I knew what my intentions were, but I had to lie to not be stopped. I prepared to fire my arrows at the demon. The bone spirit is looking around at the group to find out who is a threat to her or not. She looked at Sandy, "Hmmmm...Possible" She looks at Ao Lie, "Nah, too easy" She looks to Pigsy, "Wasn't he just flirting just now? Not even a challenge." As she looks in my direction, an ice arrow comes at her full force. She barely dodged it. It nicks her face. "Damn it! She dodged it." I said getting ready to fire another one. She looks at me in anger "How dare this fox nick my beautiful face!? You are a MAJOR threat to my plan. I'll deal with you personally after I capture your master." She found maggots, put them in a bowl, and turned them into rice. I released my power when I could no longer see her. I sat back down on my rock. Master asked, "Why did you shoot the air?" I told him, "I felt someone watching us, so I had to check if the person was a friend or foe." "I hope whoever is out there wants to be enlightened by the buddha and walk a path of good." He said hopefully. 'I somehow doubt that, Master.' I thought looking at his smile. The spirit comes back to see that the fox demon is distracted. So, she flies down a few feet away and hides behind a boulder twice her size. "Now to Transform," she said. The bone spirit began to mold her body into a beautiful shape. Her face became supple with gentle makeup as her hands became thin. She was completely mesmerized. "Now to change my horrid voice into a sweet, heavenly tune." She said as she prepared her ensemble for her plan. She found maggots, put them in a bowl, and turned them into rice. "Now to Start my plan" she sneered. She slowly walked away from the rock and began to walk to the group.


    I look back up in the sky to see if the demon is there. "She's gone, but the tension in the air is still too thick..........Hmmm......Something's not. right." I spoke. I stood up with my guard up and was looking around. " What's Wrong?" Sandy said. "It would seem we have an unwanted guest coming," I said. I look to the nearest boulder a few feet away. "What do you mean?" Pigsy said. Just as I finished speaking, a young woman around my human age walked to us holding a bowl of rice. "Hello Travelers, I was traveling to a temple not too far from here to give my offering to the goddess." she said. The very mention of the said temple brings back memories from when Wukong was "flirting" with me. I turned red from embarrassment. "Are you ok miss?" The young woman said. "o-o-o-oh yes. I'm fine." I said calming down. I don't believe her one bit regardless of the situation. I looked at her with a scowl. As Monkey comes back with an armful of peaches. He looks down to see my scowling face. He flew down and put the food in the bags. he walked up and asked, "Hey. Is Everything alright?" He asked "No. Not exactly." I said, turning to him. "What's going on?" He asked. "Well, I saw something floating in the air with my demon eyes giving the benefit of the doubt it was a demon wanting to eat Master. I saw that it was looking at him very hard. I saw it as a Threat and tried to neutralize it. It looked at me angrily and I was getting ready to shoot another arrow when it disappeared. I have this feeling that the demon is right in front of us since I can no longer see it in the skies above." I said to him concerned. He gave me a curious look. "If you don't believe me, see for yourself." I said to him "Don't worry, I believe you. Be hard not to since you don't look like or act like a liar." He looked at me with a gentle smile. Upon looking at the woman, Wukong saw a skull-shaped demon above her with its arms open. Pigsy begins to flirt with the woman. "So, what is a beautiful woman like you doing in a dangerous place?" he asked, grabbing her hand and winking at her. Wukong and I look at this idiot with arms crossed and my hands on my hips like 'Is he serious? He's really doing this right now?' The woman is a demon' We looked at him in disbelief. He decided to bring her to our Master since he was not showing much interest in the woman. Pigsy said, "Master surely you must let her accompany us. It would be wrong to leave her to the demons since she can't defend herself." "Oh, I suppose I could-" Master started. "Master wait!" I said, "Surely you don't believe her?" I said concerned. "Well, she hasn't done anything wrong to see otherwise." He spoke. As he walked up to her, Wukong grabbed his staff from his ear and walked up to her to ask "Are you sure that you are not a demon?" He asked "No I am not! How could assume such a thing?" She said clearly upset by this assumption. Hey, Monkey Stop that. You're scaring the lovely lady." Pigsy said as he got in between them and took her away to "calm her down." 'Yeah, I don't believe that.' I thought, looking at him, knowing what he was up to. "What do you think you are doing, Pigsy?" I asked him with arms crossed. "I'm going to help this young lady to the temple," he said with an unconvincing smile. I thought about it for a moment and an idea pops into my head "By helping you mean to keep her away from our master and for her to get to know you better, by all means, please do so." I smiled at him "I can leave? Really?" Pigsy asked. I wink at him with a heart. Pigsy gets excited knowing he finally got some attention from me and tries to leave for the temple with the girl in tow. "What's up with you?" Wukong asked curiously. "Think about it, if Pigsy can disgust the demon enough, she'll reveal her true form in front of us and then we can bash her skull in, and not get punished for it," I said with a smile. "Huh. That works out, but what if it backfires?" Of course, I would have time to meditate if I had a backup plan. "If that happens, then we just stop her from being alone with Master then," I said. "Fine by me, but we need to let Sandy know about this plan." Wukong said. "Right." So, we let Sandy in on the plan. "No! Thank you, but I would prefer the company of the Monk" she said nervously "Oh, but I insist Miss, I can provide you protection to the temple and back here. So, you have nothing to worry about anything Miss. If you'll come this way, please?" Pigsy gently grabbed the young and went to the temple to give her offering to the god of the temple." if you insist....' God Damn it I can't escape. If I do and reveal my true form, then that monkey and fox will send me to King Yama himself.' She thought to herself. "How long do you think this going to take?" Wukong asked. "Mmmmm About 4 hours or less. That's how long I lasted dealing with him." I said to him. So, as we waited for Pigsy to return with the girl, we ate the food Monkey brought back as we relaxed. Of course, I took time to meditate and understand my powers better with the help of Master, but a certain someone would not allow me to concentrate on the task at hand. "So how is my favorite Fox doing? I see you are increasing your powers, but I have a question for you" Wukong asked. "Yes, what is it?" I asked, "Do you know how to use your powers to control people?" He asked. "No, I do not. In fact, I was told that I needed to see the Sage of water so I can use this ability. It is a dangerous ability when used incorrectly since it involves the use of water in one's body." I said to him "Sounds awesome." Wukong said with excitement. "But I only know of its existence. I do not know the movements it takes to use it or when to use it. All I know is that water users are at their strongest during a full moon." I told him. "Well, that's understandable." He spoke. 

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