Chapter 14

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It was 2pm – ten minutes earlier than the time Lucy's Maths lesson was due to begin. She figured she'd come here early to talk to a teacher about a Maths question she'd struggled with, but no one was in the Maths office. She sighed. There was no point in re-joining her group of friends now, so she'd have to hang around here.

Suddenly, someone striding along made her face light up. His dreamy blue eyes... his cool ash-brown hair... it was none other than Everett Earnshaw. And it looked like he was heading towards the Maths office...

"No one in there," said Lucy, forcing Everett to turn around and meet her eyes. Being this close to her crush was making her heart speed up like a cheetah chasing a gazelle across the savannah.

"That's a shame. Well, I guess I'm early to Maths for once in my life!" he said with a smile as he took his place next to Lucy. She knew it was now or never – if she didn't tell him how she felt now, maybe she wouldn't get another chance.

"You know, I really like your daredevil attitude," said Lucy, batting her mascara-caked eyelashes and grabbing hold of Everett's hand. It was a bit clammy, but Lucy barely noticed.

"Um, thanks," he said, looking around awkwardly. She loved how he could make awkwardness look so sexy.

"And your hair is so nice," she continued. "Can I touch it?"

Before Everett could open his mouth to respond, Lucy was combing her hand through his hair. Her hand went down to the back of his neck and she drew him closer to her.

"Um, I'm not really comfortable with-"

"Don't worry, I'll make you feel comfortable," Lucy said breezily. After all, she always had a calming effect on boys. Everett was just a bit nervous, that was all. Lots of boys were when she made a move on them. She planted a quick kiss on Everett's lips, and to her surprise he tried to draw back.

"I don't want to-"

But he was silenced by Lucy leaning in to kiss him again, this time for longer. She felt angry that any boy could dare to refuse her kisses. Wasn't she every boy's dream girl? Surely she would be Everett's dream girl, seeing as they were both popular and sat on the same table in Maths.

"Stop it-"

Now Everett was using all his strength to pull himself away from her, but Lucy was pulling him towards her with superior strength. She felt powerful. Desirable. If she could just kiss him for a bit longer –

"For God's sake, he told you to stop!" Everett and Lucy both stopped pulling as they turned in the direction of the voice. Marty was standing in the Maths hallway, his fists clenched and his hazel eyes brimming with tears. Nonchalantly, Lucy turned towards Everett again and went in for another kiss.

That was the final straw. Marty stomped over and pulled Everett away from Lucy.

"Everett has a girlfriend who he loves to the moon and back," said Marty. "He doesn't want any of your kisses."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know," said Lucy, glowing an embarrassed shade of red.

"Well, maybe you should've asked that before you tried to kiss me WITHOUT MY CONSENT!" shouted Everett, folding his arms crossly.

"But, you know what you can do?" said Marty, his anger suddenly dissipating and a smile replacing his frown. "You can kiss me instead."

Everett punched Marty on the arm. "Marty, no-"

Lucy's face morphed into a grimace. "Ew, no, I don't want to kiss you. You've got acne."

Marty's face fell and his bottom lip began to tremble. Without a word, he walked out of the hallway through the double doors and dashed towards the boys' toilets. He locked himself in a cubicle just as the tears began to fall. Why had been stupid enough to think that Lucy might like him? Of course she would like Everett – all the girls liked Everett. Kind, handsome, daredevil Everett. He was just Everett's short ugly friend.

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