Chapter 20

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TW: a scene involving Islamophobia and racism near the end (I do not in any way condone Islamophobia or racism, I have written this scene to highlight the negative impact it has)

One serene Saturday afternoon, Parisa was lying on her bed reading Anne of the Island when her phone made its notification sound. She placed her bookmark (which had a Qur'an verse on it) into her place in the book and flicked on her phone.

Marty: Hey, I know it's not your kind of thing and you'd probably prefer to read a book in your room, but I got an invite to Jayden's party tonight and I can bring a plus-one so I thought of you. 

Marty: Not a plus-one in a romantic way, of course, in a fried way

Marty: *friend way

Marty: Unless you wanted to dress up as a fired egg 🍳

Marty: *fried egg OMG I can't spell haha 🤣😂🙈

Parisa laughed. There was one thing Marty had gotten wrong (apart from the numerous spelling mistakes) - Parisa would prefer to spend time with Marty than read a book in her room. Although she loved the joy of vicarious experiences in literature, it was even better to have fun experiences in real life. And if Marty was somewhere, it was bound to be fun.

Parisa: yeah I'd like to come

Parisa: what's the dress code?

Marty: It's dressing up as your favourite book character. I'm going as Harry Potter, you could go as Hermione maybe?

Marty: I know it's a bit last minute to get a costume tho haha 

Parisa's gaze landed on her beautiful 19th century-style dress in her wardrobe. It was light green with puffed sleeves - Anne Shirley would be in raptures over it - and there were matching green bows in her make-up bag. 

Parisa: I have the perfect outfit for Anne of Green Gables

Marty: Who's that?

Parisa: you don't know who Anne of Green Gables is? you uncultured swine

Marty: Time to do a quick Google search

Marty: Ohhh she's that ginger girl from an old book

Marty: Are you gonna do the plaits? Idk if Muslims can let their hair down for parties or not

In all honesty, Parisa probably shouldn't even be going to this party. Knowing Marty, this wasn't an innocent pizza party with birthday cake and a PG film as the main attractions. It would probably be a debaucherous rager characterised by drinking alcohol, taking drugs and hooking up to the backdrop of depraved music. And she knew that she shouldn't let her hair down unless she was only with family members. But how else could she look like her favourite fictional heroine?

Parisa: yeah I'll do the plaits, I'll take my hijab in case I change my mind

Marty: Okay. Meet at 6pm at my place? 

Parisa: yep, see you then!

Looking at the time on her phone, she saw it was already half 5. So she got changed into her light green dress, tied her long black hair into two plaits with the green bows and stuffed them into her light pink hijab. Her smart black boots were waiting for her in the hallway; as she was tying them on, Mum approached her.

"Are you going somewhere?" she asked.

"Yeah, just going to... a friend's house. I'll be there for three or four hours. Is that alright?"

"Yes, that's fine. Will you be having halal dinner at your friend's house?"

Parisa hesitated. She hadn't asked Marty about the food, but she assumed there would be some. If Jayden could afford vodka, he could also afford food. "Yeah, my friends know I only eat halal food. Before you ask, I have my phone with me and it's fully charged."

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