Chapter 28

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For once in his highly extroverted life, Marty didn't want to be under the spotlight. He wanted to on the sidelines, far, far away from the questioning eyes that followed him as he left the dance floor alone. He felt a stupor in his soul and a desire for something new, something real and raw. Chanting 'ooh Perez' on the dance floor just didn't cut it anymore.

So he seated himself on a chair, knees drawn up to his stomach, thinking about some of the more depressing thoughts that haunted his overactive mind from time to time. How some of the people at the party would someday be sad and lonely and heartbroken and maybe homeless. How others would rise to unwonted wealth by back-breaking work or by inheriting a hefty sum. How life was unfair, no matter how many law courts tried to make it otherwise.

"Hey, what's going on?" a soft voice spoke. Marty perceived Parisa in his peripheral vision. They hadn't talked since breaking up a week ago.

 "Does something have to be wrong for me to be sitting alone?" he snapped.

"No, but as long as I've known you, you only go solo if you're upset."

He let out a deep sigh. Parisa knew him well, annoyingly.

"My dad asked me to meet up with him this weekend," he said, running a hand through his fluffy blond hair, "and I haven't replied yet. I - I don't know what to say. A child-like part of me hopes this will be the beginning of a real relationship between us, but a logical part of me reasons that he's only going to let me down again."

A smile lifted at the edge of Parisa's mouth; Marty raised an eyebrow. Blushing, she stuttered: "I was just reminded of a joke you told me once... now's probably not the time-"

"-go on, why not."

"Okay. What did the inflatable headmaster say to the inflatable pupil who deflated the inflatable school?"

Marty shrugged.

"Not only have you let me down and yourself down, but you've let the whole school down!"

He tried to keep a staid face, but a snigger escaped his lips.

"Marty, just know that even if your dad ends up being like that devious inflatable pupil, I will be there for you as your friend. You can always talk to me about how you're feeling."

"But... what if what I'm feeling makes you sad?"

"Then I'll share in the sadness. I know you always try to make everyone happy, and that's a great blessing sometimes, but there's more to life than happiness."

Marty nodded. Without thinking about it, he threw his arms around Parisa and hugged her tightly like she was a teddy bear.

"So, are you going to meet up with your dad?"

"It's worth a try."


 The weekend arrived with stunningly sunny weather, yet Marty was struggling to get out of bed. And it wasn't just because his duvet was so thick and warm and cosy that he could stay tucked under it all day (which wasn't unheard of on a Saturday); he was apprehensive about seeing his father for the third time in his life. Should he be angry at him for being so absent? Though it wasn't his fault that he fell out of love with Mum...

"Why are you going to see that dickhead?" demanded Riley as she burst into her brother's room (without knocking, as per usual).

"Because he invited me to," Marty responded dumbly; Riley scoffed.

"That's such a shit reason. What if he kidnaps you?"

"Don't be ridiculous," snapped Marty; it was at that moment that he decided he was going to go. Shoving his sister out of the way, he took a shower, ate his jam on toast and got dressed in his coolest clothes. Then he stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

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