The beginning of a new life

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"WHAT?!" I sqealed. "How, I ask, am I suppose to belive THAT?!"

Nova and the girl named Scarlet nodded.

See. They had told me that the Greek myths....were true. Were True. How does that even remotely make sense? Seriously. They said that all the monsters involved are real. and that when they appear, the monsters try to kill you. And other things. And these things called demigods(which supposedly both Nova and Scarlet are) need to kill them to keep Western civilization safe.... And apparently, I am a demigod too. WHAT?! No! I am a normal human being who may or may not have a lot of problems. Ok, yes, i do have a lot of problems. But they don't need to know that right now.

"How would I even start to consider this? I mean, I thought I was crazy, but then you guys come along and steal my title of crazy. That is unacceptable. Very. I mean, I am suppose to be the annoying, not the annoyed. I heard that from somewhere. Not sure where though.... Anyways, no. I will not go through with this."

Then I registered Nova's and Scarlet's expressions. It was funny. Very Very funny. A mix of confusion and disbelief. Then Scarlet said "ok, kid, you need to come with us. You are one of us. So comezies" She said the word come like 'come- Zzzz's' which I didn't get, but oh well. I frowned at the two as in 'heck no'.

Nova and Scarlet frowned right back. "come on, January, it'll be fun. Like really fun. Like messing with people's minds and other comical things fun."

I perked up at the thought of messing with people. How did they know that I like to mess with people? That's freaky, man.

Both of the girls smiles like they had won the victory. Which...they did.

"This is gonna be terrible isn't it?" I whined

Nova shook her head of brown hair. "noooo, it'll be fun." then she muttered something else and smiled at me "totally fun."

We were walking away from the park and almost out of the city. Then I finally got smart, "Hey, where excactly are we going?"

Both Nova's and Scarlet's eyes widened like they didn't want me to ask that question. "ummm, why don't we leave that for a another time, another place? Maybe, you know, in ten years? When you know..." Nova tried to comprimise with me

"Guys," I whined yet again, "I wanna know... please?"

Nova sighed "well, you can't be mad at us. And you have go. You agreed."

I raised one white eyebrow.

"uuum" Scarlet hesitated "maybe, possibly...New York? Off on a somewhat island of Long Island? In a camp...?"

I went off like I did with the Greek gods being real, which I still didn't get, but I guess I'll see for myself. "WHAT?! No, no, no, no, no. I want to spend my summer here. Not at some camp. Not with some nut jobs thinking Greek gods are real. Nu uh. No way. My life, My choice. I say no."

Nova frowned as Scarlet argued "but you said you would! and I have no problem being a nut job. I mean, I am crazy. But you already said you would! And we both know you don't have a family here. You know that, too."

"Have you been stalking me?" is all I could say.

After I finally agreed to go on, we came into the camp about a half hour later. I was amazed at the sword fighting (which was awesome), archery (not my style, but still awesome), the art of flipping people (I like it), and one huge dog licking people in orange t-shirts (aww, sooo cute I love it!). I stood there by a pine tree in awe. The I grinned and ran down, and then tripped and rolled the rest of the way down the hill. At the bottom of the hill, I sat there laughing my butt off while a goat type thing stared at me, then raised the cub it was holding and screamed "DIE, CUPCAKE!!!!".

I yelped and rolled to the side and jumped up. Scarlet then tackled the thing and sat on him. She looked very happy siting on him. She said "now, Coach, I have told you before, do not try to kill newbies. It's rude."

The goat grumbled "well she could have been a threat. I didn't know. I was doing my job. Protecting."

"wait, wait, wait, what's your name? And what in the big blue sky are you?" I said as I stared

The thing scoffed "I am a satyr, of course, and I am Gleeson Hedge, but you may call me Gleeson Hedge, but if you get me to soften up on you, then you may call me Gleeson Hedge."

Scarlet snorted "just call him Coach."

I again just stared "uh whata whata now? Please, explain."


Now that's the end of this chapter, I think it's comical. Wow,did I just say comical? Oh well, Hope you like it. And sorry I'm not updating everyday. I'm on a public computer. Now I gotta go to softball! See Ya! And please comment and possibly vote. I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

The Mythic Adventures of a Girl Named JanuaryWhere stories live. Discover now