Immortal Beings

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Scarlet left to go find the boy who ran into us and ran away, who's name I found is Leo, she calls him Valdez. I also found that she likes him. Like a lot a lot. Like she'd date him in a heartbeat. So I was all by myself. Good, I was bothered enough anyways. I walked right into a girl with black hair and blue tips. Her grey eyes were really unnerving and they were playful and puckish. Like she was planning on playing a joke on someone. We both fell and laughed. "Cheese" she said "way to run into me. I was like totally still."

I laughed "no, I was totally still. You're the one charging into everyone."

We both laughed for a while before standing up. I was the first to extend my hand, "hi, I'm January."

The girl looked at my hand and looked at me, "sorry, but I've learned from personal experience not to shake hands. But my name is Reeve. Nice to meet cha. Now bye!" and she sprinted off to a pavilion of some sort.

I raised an eyebrow and walked away.

Soon some type of horn blew and kids started filing out of cabins, I just took a guess and followed them all, most likely to my awful and horrible death.

We actually came to the pavilion that I saw Reeve go to. There was a bunch of food and drinks that weren't there before. There was no way that all of that could have gottne there in like 15 minutes. Comsidering that there was all types of foods. Like pizza, pasta, apples, pies, and soda and blue soda? Guess they really do serve everything. I took mac&cheese and peaches, weird combo but hey, I like, so back off. People were putting food in the fire, so I did too. As I was walking away, I noticed a woman in a brown dress. She was beautiful, but then again, aren't all the people here? I was confused so I got out of people's way and kneeled down to her, "hey, sorry to bother you in you're peaceful stalker ways, but shouldn't you be eating?"

The woman laughed "no, no, I'm not a camper nor a stalker, I just like to come here, I find peace here and I very much like it. And I'm getting part of the portion you just put into the fire."

I scrunch my eyebrow together in confusion, "how? Doesn't it just burn? Cause that's what I thought fire did."

The woman laughed again, "no, the portions you put in go to the gods and goddesses."

I made a silent oooh then realized what the woman said and stared at her with my mouth dropped open.

She smiled and disappeared.

"Well then. That was pleasant." I said and turned and ate on the steps. I like my privacy. But then a boy a few years older than me told me to eat with them. That the take all the newbies until they're claimed. So I ate with them thinking about the conversation with the goddess.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you guys even reading? I mean I know kartarakillbourne is, but I don't think any of the rest of you guys are. Do you guys even like it a little? And that question is not for you, katarakillbourne. Anyways, if you guys like it, please let me know.

The Mythic Adventures of a Girl Named JanuaryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora