The Wheats and Grains in the Alley of Fluffy Bunnies and Rainbows

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I woke up to the sound of scraping metal against metal. The sharp swooosha swooosha of the material colliding and I sat up in my sleeping bag to find everyone still asleep, oblivious to the weapons fighting or whatever the thing was doing. Not even sure if it was a thing. I stood and went to the door and cracked it open and peered through.

I saw Frank hacking at a piece of scrap metal. I opened the door the rest of the way, "what are you doing?"

He jumped and missed his target by a foot. He turned and just stared at me. Then after what seemed like forever he spoke, "you messed me up..."

I shrugged and he went on, "oh and by the way, we need to leave." then he added "Chiron said so" Like I was going to say no or something. Pfft, I most likely wouldn't do that.

Key words: Most Likely.

We walked until we found Ryan, who was arguing with Percy over which was funnier, the fact the Percy (supposedly) got his head stuck down a toilet; or Ryan rolling down a hill being tumbleweed. Hmm, wonder which one I'll believe..... (Percy). Man this is gonna be a tough one to decide (Percy), and I mean really tough (Percy). Seems like it's going to be a close one, guys (Percy). Ugh, you have no idea how hard this is (PERCY!). Hmm, I'll pick Percy. Ryan falling down a hill was funnier, so yes, I agree with Percy.

Anyways, Percy looked over at Frank, then me, then back at Ryan and said "ok. Now you have to leave. So go. Please. I'm done having this argument. Done, man!" I'm guessing he just had to add on that little extra dramatic part.

Ryan stood and walked over to us grumbling about losing to The Superior Toilet Master and Soap Face. That's not weird...

He looked at me, glared, then looked at Frank and said "um, are we going to go?"

Frank coughed and looked at me then back at Ryan, "sorry to break it to ya, but she's comin with us. Actually. Chiron said she's leading it."

Ryan's face stiffened, "well then. Let's go." and he started to march towards the edge of the camp.

"uh, hey, uh, Ryan!" Frank looked back at me, "that's his name, right?" I nodded and he went back to yelling at him "Ryan! You have to wait!" Then Frank realized that he wasn't slowing down. "um, hey, uh. January. He's not coming back.... right?"

I shook my head, "no, I don't think he is."

Frank sighed "ok, well, we better go catch up with him"

I frowned, "awww, do we have to?"

"yes. Now come on, before we lose him." and Frank pushed me a bit to get me running. And I did. Straight into trap.

We were walking around the city looking for that little rat who ran away named Ryan. Stupid Tumbleweed. Then Frank groaned and I turned to look at him and he was gone. It was kinda like scene from a movie. One minute, the person is there, the next; gone only with the wind leaving a slight trace of movement. I heard wings flap above my head and I glanced up and saw a black hawk flying across the sky. I thought is through. Frank being gone, air movement, flap, bird, Frank being gone, air movement, flap, bird. Frank is the air movement and the bird flooped across the sky while doing so. Yep. I totally got it figured out. Then the bird landed and turned into Frank. Oh, hey would you look at that; there goes my theory going down the toilet along with Percy's head. I just stared at Frank "what was that?!"

He shrugged "that's what I do. I can literally be anything I want. Except other humans. Unlike Celeste..." He even grumbled that last part like he was upset he couldn't turn into human. Well geez, Hulk, you can't be everything in life. You can just be more than most.

I shook my head "being able to turn into animals isn't something to look down at. Anyways, what did you see up there?"

"Ryan." He said simply

"What?! Why didn't you say anything?" I practically squealed

"cause you started to blab your mouth so much I couldn't" He flatly stated this.

"Well excuse me from wondering why you were a freaking bird. Now where is he? We have to find him. For the Quest." I put on 'for the Quest' as a last attempt of 'I do not like Ryan! I swear!'

Frank gave me a funny look of 'I don't believe you.'; huh I guess it didn't work. He looked across the street at the buildings "'I'm pretty sure I saw him walk through those alleys. Come on."

We went through the dark scary alleys. But it was in the day. So it was more like the bright, well lit alley of fluffy bunnies and rainbows. Until we met the wheats and grains...

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