Sophie pov

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I was playing base quest with Keefe, Fitz, Biana, Marella, Dex, Tam and Lihn, when all the sudden, we heard a loud crash. 

Keefe immediately shouted that we should go check it out.  I was a bit skeptical, what if it was the neveseen! Even though we defeated them a year ago, I never let my guard down.

Keefe grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the sound of the crash. I felt a slight tingle in my hands, and a small fluttering in my heart, but I ignored it. It's not like Keefe likes me anyway. 

When we got there, we saw three kids, two of them about our age. It was not at all what I was expecting. The two our age were arguing and the younger one was just sitting there with an annoyed and amused expression on her face.

I didn't have to be an empath to tell that she shipped the two and had for a long time. I did too.

When they saw us, they became silent while their faces flushed red. 

At the same time, everyone asked the same question. " Who are you?"

Thank you again for reading this. I'm sorry for the short chapters, but this is actually my very first fanfic. I absolutely love Kotlc and sisters Grimm and I hope you do too. Now, on with the next chapter! 

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