∴⍑𝙹 ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ 1.4

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///tw: language///

It hadn't processed when you accepted the job that you'd have to be with two princes all of the time, one who hated you on sight for simply being a commoner and the other being extremely clingy and over chaotic.

And then there was the fact that you had to live with them.

You and Tommy were still out in the courtyard, him rambling about one of his friends named 'Tubbo.' Wilbur had left about five minutes ago, and already you could tell he was going to deliberately be a pain in the ass just to piss you off.

Since the older brother wasn't leering over her shoulder, you could think about your sudden decision.

What the actual hell was I thinking? you worried in your head. You had a shop to take care of and you were loyal (reluctantly) to Esempi. Not to mention you'd have to literally move to the country you were at war with.

"- and Tubbo loves to piss off Techno, mostly because it's easy to," Tommy continued chattering. Apparently his best friend was obsessed with bees which was why the blond brought you over to the flowers.

"Hey, Tommy?" you said slowly, interrupting his spill about what he liked doing to annoy the head guard.

"What, y/n?" Setting a hand on his back, you mustered up a comforting look.

"You know that this is only a trial, right?"

"Why?" His blue eyes showed confusion as he looked at your face.

"Well, I lived here my whole life-" You assumed so, anyways. "And I have a business to take care of." He sat down on the cobblestone floor, looking at the ground.

"Oh," he said rather disappointedly. He sulked for a minute which made you feel increasingly guilty, but suddenly his face brightened as an idea came to mind. "We could just move your business!" he said rather proudly, but you began to panic as you thought about the secret room, but he continued, "We'll move it to L'Manberg and it can be close to my home so you can go anytime you want! And we can get you a worker to watch it while you're gone. Tubbo would probably love some of the stuff in your-"

"Wait, wait, wait, calm down, kid," you told him, trying to still your quivering wings. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I also have a few friends-"

"We can move them too!" Oh, gods, he was getting too excited about this. You weren't sure what to do as you were never too good with kids, so you just said seriously,

"Tommy." He looked at you innocently. "I'm just trying this out. You are an awesome kid-"


"-who I would love to spend more time with. However, I did only meet you two hours ago, and doing things on a whim isn't something I normally do. So I'll stay with you for a couple days, and we'll see how it goes. Okay?" You let the information sit on his mind as you sat back on your heels. He pursed his lips, tapping his hands on his knees as he thought.

"How about you stay with me for two weeks until we head back to L'manberg and you can decide then? That's when we sign the peace treaty anyways," he mumbled, disappointed that you weren't immediately promising a yes. You stuck out your hand.

"Sounds good to me," you told him, waiting for him to shake on it. Instead of shaking it, he jumped into your arms and hugged you tightly.

"I'm going to make sure you want to stay," he mumbled into the crook of your neck, then proceeded to pull away quickly with a beet red face before you could hug him back. "Don't tell anyone I hugged you." You laughed, excited to see what the future weeks would hold.

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