ʖᒷ ᓵᔑ∷ᒷ⎓⚍ꖎ 2.4

968 38 43


I've never been drunk so I just read about it on the internet like any dumb teenager would 😌  Apologies if my depiction is inaccurate

In addition, the GREATER SMP will now be referred to as simply ESEMPI to fit in with the aesthetic of the world.

///tw: swearing, alcohol, getting drunk, uncontrolled thoughts///

The pounding went away as you looked over your shoulder.

It was the man in the white suit. He held two drinks in his hands, concern drawn over his thin lips. Danger flashed briefly across your mind.

He repeated his question. You merely blinked at him once before turning to look over the balcony. You could still leave. After all, you hadn't promised to stay permanently. But then again, Tommy...

You flinched when he appeared next to you in your peripheral view, still on edge from your small panic attack. He laughed quietly.

"Relax, I just came out here to see if everything was alright." The glass made a soft clink when the blue-eyed man set down one of the glasses near your fingers. "I'm not the biggest enthusiast of events like these; too many people."

"My thoughts exactly," you mumbled under your breath. Your elbows rested on the stone banister, gaze falling to your tightly laced fingers. The ring flashed magenta briefly. You tried once again to pull it off; it didn't budge.

"How long have you been dancing?" You looked up at him, taking you out of your short daze. While you processed his question, you took notice of his blond hair that was pulled into a little bun, a few strands escaping to frame his face. He side eyed you, an almost invisible smirk on his lips as he waited for your answer.

You wrinkled your nose. "Long enough to be better than you." He laughed, taking a sip of his drink.

"Touché, my friend."

Your wings fluttered in the silence that proceeded, itching to be used. The idea tempted you once more, but you forced your wings still; you couldn't leave Tommy after all.

Okay, the stranger wasn't leaving and the silence was only making your thoughts worse and your skins start to crawl.

You looked at the drink and then at him, glancing up and down before narrowing your eyes.

"You look like the type to poison a drink."

He raised an eyebrow, amusement appearing in his expression. "Why would I do that? I've only just met you."

"I don't know. You look like you'd take a bounty for my head."

"And why would you have a bounty on your head?" He smirked, interest sparking in his eyes. "You haven't done anything illegal, have you?"

"If I did, no one would be able to find out it was me."

He shrugged. "I feel like you'd tell."

"What's that supposed to mean."

He chuckled and held out his hand. "Punz."

You squinted, wondering what the hell he was talking about then it hit you that he was introducing his name. You snorted, ignoring his hand. "Right, and my name's Funny."

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