∴⍑𝙹 ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ 1.7

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///tw: language///

"Welcome to Esempi, your majesty," you heard a female servant tell the king as he exited the carriage, his deep green cape flowing behind him. You hopped off the horse before Techno could. While you barely made a noise when you landed, he hit the ground with a thud due to the weight of his armor. "We weren't expecting you for another day."

"We didn't encounter as many distractions or any bandits as we previously thought," Phil said, holding his hands together behind his back. You understood what he was talking about; in the area between the two kingdoms, there was a community somewhere that consisted of outcasts from both countries, all with the intent to plunder. The townspeople gave the name of illagers, which quite literally translated to 'illegal villagers.' People really had no creative abilities.

"That is wonderful!" she chirped as she smoothed an invisible wrinkle on her blouse. "I hope the journey was enjoyable." Wilbur's head emerged, his eyes searching for something. His gaze landed on you, but you weren't looking at him. You were looking around the courtyard and the large, elegant stone walls that made up the castle the emperor resided in. He moved to stand next to his father as the servant said,

"Since you are early, the emperor wasn't able to make time to welcome you himself, and it will be a while until he can make time for you."

"The emperor can't see us today?" William asked with an irritated scowl, tired of the pleasantries his father was using. A flash of dislike crossed the girl's face at the rude question, something you full heartedly agreed with. You came closer as she sent a forced smile at the princeling.

"Sadly, not today, highness," she apologized. "He's quite busy at the moment."

"Of course," the prince muttered under his breath. You shot him a distasteful glance, which for some reason made him drop his sour expression. 

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience," the servant said, not sounding too apologetic.

"It's quite alright," the king said civically, contrasting his spoiled son. "We are willing to wait." She smiled at him, this time a real one, appreciating that he had the decency to be more polite than Wilbur.

"In the meantime, I can have someone show you to your rooms so you may prepare for your meeting." Her eyes suddenly flicked towards you dismissively before she continued, "You should see to the appearance of your attendants that will be joining you." Her look became more pointed. She was telling the truth, but it still hurt you, so you made a subtle face back.

Phil didn't look at you as he said, "Of course." The servant then walked off, in search of someone who knew where the royals would be residing. Once she was out of hearing distance, the king turned to you to address the servants' implications.

"The young lady is right; you must be presentable," the king said to you.

At least sugar coat it, would you? you thought bitterly. You had brought the nicest clothes you had.

"Do you have anything more appropriate?" You shook your head, and was just about to open your mouth to reply but Wilbur interrupted,

"You mean to say that the commoner will be accompanying us to meet with the emperor?!"

So much for starting over, you thought, rolling your eyes.

"Yes, they are Thomas's caretaker, so they should remain with him when it is suitable." Phil said, glancing inside the carriage for his other son who had yet to emerge. The boy sleeping with his head against the post. You put your hand on his knee, immediately waking him up. He blinked a few times as he mumbled,

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