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It was the next day and we went to a baby scan (or how u say it LMAO). The nurse takes some pictures and i wanted to give one to my parents, as a gift. When i walked out, i saw my old neighbor who still lived here. Oh god i hate him. He was a few years younger then me. He was with his dad and i saw his dad give a death stare to me. "Oh hey y/n, long time no see" He said. Why is he smiling? "Hey" I say and walk past him with. Colby. "Wait! How are you? And who's this?" He said and held my wrist. "Let go of me now." I said. Jesus he is a troublemaker. "You don't have to son" His dad said. His dad had hated me since forever, he thought i was a bad "influence" to his son. There was something off about him. "Let.her.go" Colby said. He looked frightened and let go. I smile and walk to our car. I get in with Colby and say: "Good job babe".

We drive to my big sisters place. She has 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy. She's 37 so, no wonder. We ring the bell and she lets us in. We walk the stairs to the 4th floor. I knock and her husband answers. "Omg y/n hey!" He said hugging me. They couldn't show up to the baby shower so i visited them today. "Y/n!" Their oldest said and ran up to me. "Hello!" I said and hugged her. "So you're the boyfriend right?" My sisters husband asked. "Yeah, great to meet you" He said and they shook hands. We walked in the living room and i saw my sister feeding their youngest child, Oliver. "Hey y/n!" My sister said. "Hey! So what do you think the gender is?" I asked and rubbed my belly. "Ugh, girl?" She said. "A boy!" I cheered and smiled.

"Congratulations!" She said. We were there for some time and Colby seemed to get along with them. They knew english well so it wasn't a problem. When we went away, i sent Colby to my old school. The place has changed a lot in these years. I gave him a look and then we went back to b/n place. (b/n is bestfriends name)

After we got back i had to use the restroom really bad. "No Colby let me go first!!" I said and fought with Colby on who gets first. I won and stuck my tongue out at Colby. "You'll regret this!" He shouted. After i got out, Colby RAN to pee and i laughed. "Aren't you guys love birds" B/n said smiling. "Oh come on, you single ass lesbian" I said laughing. We play some VR games and hear a knock. "I'll get it!" I say getting up and walking to get the door.

I open the door to see b/n big brother. "Umm who are you?" He said. "You don't remember? I'm y/n" I said pointing my finger a little up. "Ohhh yeah, anyways can i come in? I wanna give this to b/n". "Yeah sure sure come on in". I let him in and He walks in the living room. Colby is sitting on the couch watching b/n play VR. She hits her brother and he starts shouting, while holding his eye. "Oops, sorry bro" She said laughing. I sit next to Colby and he puts his hand around me. "And who is this fellow?" B/n brother asked. "i'm y/n's boyfriend" Colby said confidently.

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