Rewrite Update

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After spending an agonizingly long time trying to figure out how much of this god awful fic i want to change and what i want to keep i've finally come to a decision! I'll be changing majority of the elements in this fic, and most likely shortening it as well seeing as in 2017/2018 I prefered short, easy to digest chapters. Most of my fics now sit between 3k and 7k words per chapter, and as much as I would love to keep this fic the same length it just isn't possible with my new normal word count.

With that being said I've already rewritten Chapter 1, and I'll be starting Chapter 2 once my health gets a bit better. Seeing as how majority of the context and details are changing includinf descriptions of each member, the time frame of events, and side relationships, I plan to rewrite the entire story before I start posting the rewritten chapters. Just so any new readers (u poor souls) that stumble apon this trashfic aren't left absolutely lost when Chapter 1 explains things one way and Chapter 2 is a whole other perspective.

I have decided to post the rewrite to AO3 as well, since most people have moved over to the sight and Wattpad has honestly killed itself with the addition of ads and shit. My user is Fragranthoney and I'll be posting the rewritten chapters as they're finished, so if you're impatient or want to reread the fic in a whole new light please head over there!

If you have any ships you'd like to see feel free to leave them below, but Josh/Jeonghan will be a prominent side ship in this fic. I just adore their friendship and even though Jeongcheol is VERY popular (mom/dad elements) I dont vibe with it as much as I did 4/5 years ago. I also don't actively ship idols much at all anymore like i did when I was 15/16 but seeing as how many people genuinely enjoyed this work I want to make it the best version of itself, especially since it was my first work I ever shared with the world and it helped my confidence over the years.

It will take me awhile to finish the entire rewrite, I'm currently working on a Genshin fic that has most of my creative mind at the moment, as well as a My Hero Academia fic ive been brainstorming on as well! So apologies if you end up wanting to read the entire fic after its completion.

If you do make your way over to my AO3 account please drop a comment! Id love to actually communicate with you guys again, and my instagram and twitter are both on my profile, as well as tiktok and my genshin uid if yall want those too! Anyways, click the link and enjoy the ride. Or just wait 6 months for it to be finished and posted in completion here either is perfectly acceptable <3

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